Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Routing to servers that are in maintenance mode
You can build complex rule conditions from subexpressions to modify routing policy Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) rules, and route certain messages to servers that are in maintenance mode while routing other traffic to servers that are not in maintenance mode from within the same dynamic cluster.
Before you begin
To modify rules through the rule builder, have administrator privileges. Restriction: WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise does not support SIP features on the z/OS® operating system.
About this task
Typically, only servers that are not in maintenance mode receive and service application requests. You can also route to servers that are in maintenance mode, so you can route to a subset of servers to verify configuration changes or troubleshoot issues without interfering with availability. You can direct SIP traffic to specific clusters with routing rules. The expressions for SIP routing rules are enhanced to support an expression that provides more functionality and flexibility in defining the target cluster. For example, the expression cluster='TestCell/TestClusterA' and serverMaintanceMode='affinity' direct the on demand router (ODR) to route calls to members of TestClusterA that are in maintenance mode. You can also use this function in conjunction with the prioritized routing rules.
- From the administrative console, click Servers > On demand routers > odr_name > SIP on demand router settings > Routing policy SIP rules > Specify by > Expression > Subexpression builder.
- Select and as the logical operator.
- Select Server Maintenance Mode as the operand.
- Select Equals (=) as the operator.
- Select Affinity as the value. Click Generate subexpression.
- Click Append to add the subexpression to your rule.
Related concepts
Rule-based request classification
SIP rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks
SIP rules for ODR service policy administrative tasks
Related tasks
Setting maintenance mode
Related reference
Routing and service policies