Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
Configure passive HTTP session affinity in the on demand router
When the on demand router (ODR) processes a request, it obtains the session affinity descriptor policy of the cluster to which the server belongs. If you changed the default settings for any middleware servers, you might need to update the middleware descriptor properties so that the ODR can obtain the descriptor policy. In most cases, the on demand router (ODR) does not require configuration to support HTTP session affinity. However, some special cases exist where configure the ODR to learn about backup servers that the back end servers might be setting on the session affinity cookie.
Before you begin
The servers in your configuration must be in a generic server cluster or a dynamic cluster. You can use passive affinity with a static cluster.
About this task
Passive HTTP session affinity is used in the following situations:
- When the ODR routes to servers that are not running WebSphere® Application Server middleware products.
- When the ODR routes to WebSphere Application Server application servers that are in different core groups that are not connected by the core group bridge.
- When the application uses Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) HTTP session affinity that is not standard. For example, the application's session ID cookie name is something other than JSESSIONID
- If any of the default values for the server have changed, modify the session affinity descriptor. In the administrative console, click System administration > Middleware descriptors > middleware_server > default.
- Define the session affinity descriptor properties. Modify the values for any of the following fields that apply:
- Learn clone IDs
- Cookie names
- URL rewrite
- Clone ID separator
- Alternate clone ID separator
- Affinity mode
When the ODR processes a request, it obtains the session affinity descriptor policy that is configured for the cluster to which the server belongs. The method in which the server clone identification is obtained depends on the property values of the policy attributes.
Related concepts
Overview of request flow prioritization
Related tasks
Creating ODRs
Routing requests to external nodes with generic server clusters Creating and configuring ODRs