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Configure communication between core groups that are in the same cell

A cell is comprised of one or more processes that each host runtime components. Each cell has one or more named core groups. A core group is a group of processes that are directly accessible to each other and is connected using a local area network (LAN). If core groups that are in the same cell need to share workload management (WLM) information, then configure these core groups to communicate.


Before you begin

Create the core groups for your cell. Configure all of the processes within the core groups, including your servers and clusters. The recommendation is a maximum of 50 WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment related processes such as application servers, node agents, and on demand routers defined in your core group.


About this task

You might configure multiple core groups for a cell in the following scenarios:

If you are using WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment, configure bridge interfaces and core group access points. In WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, this configuration is simplified, because these required elements are automatically configured.



  1. Add node agents and servers to each core group. Configure at least two node agents for each node group to ensure high availability. When a process starts if core group bridges are not configured, then every product process automatically configures a core group access point for each configured core group. The product assumes that each of the node agents in each core group is a core group bridge. The configuration is modified to make each node agent a core group bridge. You might need to restart the processes again for this configuration to complete.

  2. Start the node agents. If two or more node agents per core group are running, the core groups can communicate.



Core groups that are in the same cell can communicate and share WLM information.


Related concepts

Overview of request flow prioritization


Related tasks

Configure WebSphere Virtual Enterprise for cross-cell communication
Creating ODRs
Creating a new core group
Manage node agents


Related reference

coregroupsplit.py script