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Configure BEA WebLogic servers

After creating a middleware server representation of a BEA WebLogic server in the administrative console, update configuration settings so that they are defined specifically for your BEA WebLogic installation.


Before you begin

Federate the node that is running the BEA WebLogic server and create a representation of the server in the administrative console.


About this task

If you installed BEA WebLogic in a location other than the default directory, update the WebSphere® variables so that the installation directory is correct. To perform operations on your server from the administrative console, configure the server operations for the BEA WebLogic middleware server representation.



  1. Update the WebSphere variables so that they match the settings on the nodes that are running the BEA WebLogic server. In the administrative console, click Environment > WebSphere Variables. Edit the following variables:

    Specifies the host name of the WebLogic administration server.
    Default value: localhost
    Scope: cell
    Specifies the port of the WebLogic administration server.
    Default value: 7001
    Scope: cell
    Specifies the protocol to use when connecting to the WebLogic administration server.
    Default value:t3
    Scope: cell
    Specifies the URL for the WebLogic administration server. The value is created from other variables.
    Scope: cell
    Specifies an alias to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAINDIR variable.
    Default value: ${WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_DIR}
    Scope: cell
    Name of the server in the WebLogic administration environment.
    Default value: ${WAS_SERVER_NAME}
    Scope: server
    Specifies the root installation location.
    Default value: c:\bea
    Default value: /opt/bea
    Scope: cell
    Specifies the WebLogic root directory. The root is version-specific, for example {$BEA_HOME}\weblogic91.
    Default value:{$BEA_HOME}\weblogic
    Scope: cell
    Name of the WebLogic domain.
    Default value: myDomain
    Scope: cell
    Builds the path to the WebLogic domain.
    Default value:${BEA_HOME}\user_projects\domains\${WEBLOGIC_DOMAINNAME}
    Scope: cell

    If the home directory is different on different nodes in your configuration, select the node scope and create another variable with the same name for the specific node.

  2. Update server operations for the BEA WebLogic server to include the user name and password.

    1. In the administrative console, click Servers > Other middleware servers > BEA WebLogic servers > weblogic_server > Server operations.

    2. Edit the stop server operation to include the user name and password that you use to perform this operation.

  3. Optional: Update the HTTP and HTTPS ports for your servers. The default port is 7001. If you use a value other than the default, change the port in the administrative console.

    1. In the administrative console, click Servers > Other middleware servers > BEA WebLogic servers > weblogic_server .

    2. Edit HTTP connector or HTTPS connector. Click OK and save and synchronize your changes.


What to do next


Related concepts

Middleware nodes and servers
Supported middleware server types


Related tasks

Configure middleware server operations
Configure WebSphere variables
Federating middleware nodes
Adding middleware servers to configurations
Creating middleware server templates
Configure the external log viewing service
Creating dynamic clusters


Related reference

Middleware server creation administrative tasks