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Deploying WebSphere Application Server Community Edition applications

From within the WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise administrative console, you can install managed WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V2.0 applications to servers and dynamic clusters.


Before you begin

Important: With managed WebSphere Application Server Community Edition applications, complete all deployment actions from within the WebSphere Virtual Enterprise administrative console only. Use the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition console only for functions that are not supported by WebSphere XD.


About this task

Deploy a WebSphere Application Server Community Edition application to experience the same qualities of service that WebSphere Virtual Enterprise provides for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) applications and PHP applications.



  1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition application wizard. In the administrative console, click Applications > Install new middleware application. Select WebSphere Application Server Community Edition as the application type, and click Next.

  2. Specify either the local or remote location of the application archive file and external deployment plan, and click Next.

  3. Specify the name, edition, and edition description of the application. The application name must be unique among all of the applications that are deployed in the cell, including applications that are other types, such as Java EE 5 or unmanaged Web applications.

  4. Select the servers and clusters on which the application runs by selecting the deployment targets. You can filter the list of deployment targets by only clusters, only servers, or by entering a name. Click Add or Remove to specify which servers and clusters run the application.

  5. Specify the location of the virtual host for the Web modules.

  6. Review the confirmation details of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition application, and save the changes.

  7. Start the application. The application displays as started in the administrative console when the middleware server on which the application is deployed starts. To start middleware servers from the administrative console, see Configure middleware server operations. Attention: If the server or middleware agent stops, the application might still show as started or partially deployed in the administrative console.



Your WebSphere Application Server Community Edition application runs on the defined deployment targets.


What to do next

Define service policies and routing policies for the application. All application edition manager functions are available.

Related tasks

Deploying applications with defined service levels
Defining a service policy
Deploying and managing application editions without loss of service
Creating complete life cycle WebSphere Application Server Community Edition servers and dynamic clusters


Related reference

Middleware application administrative tasks

Related information

Middleware server creation administrative tasks