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Silently installing a CIP

You can silently install a customized installation package (CIP) for WebSphere XD by using either a fully-qualified response file, which you configure specifically to your needs, or parameters that pass to the command line. With a silent installation, you can bypass the Installation wizard, which is useful in some environments.


Before you begin

Create the build definition file and the CIP before you silently install the CIP.


About this task

A silent installation uses the same installation program that the graphical user interface (GUI) version uses. However, instead of displaying a wizard interface, the silent installation reads all of your responses from a file that you customize, or from parameters that you pass to the command line. You can use either method to silently install WebSphere XD. The silent and command-line installations accept a series of parameters. For further details, learn about the specific installation arguments.



  1. Optional: If you choose to install the CIP by launching the options response file, first customize the file.

    1. Copy the response file, xdsetup.response.txt, from WebSphere XD CD to your disk drive. Rename and save the file as myoptionsfile.txt.

    2. Open and edit the response file in the text editor of your choice. The file includes comments to assist the configuration process and must include these parameters:

      • The license agreement

      • The location of WebSphere XD installation

      • The list of profiles to augment

      • The location of the centralized installation manager repository
      Tip: The location that you select for your installation is how the installation program determines where your previous WebSphere® Application Server instance is located. If you install on a node with multiple WebSphere Application Server instances, clearly define your location.

    3. Issue the proper command to launch your customized response file. Substitute the name and correct path of your response file if you renamed the file to something other than the provided example.

      • install.bat -options C:\drive_path\myoptionsfile.txt -silent

      • ./install -options /absolute_path/myoptionsfile.txt -silent

      The log file is install_root/logs/xd_operations/install/log.txt.

  2. Optional: If you choose to install the CIP by passing certain parameters to the command line, issue the following command to launch the installation:

    • install.bat -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT installLocation=installation_location

      where installation_location is the location of your existing WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment installation.

      Use the following optional parameters to specify particular profiles to augment:

      -OPT profileAugmentList=profiles_separated_by_commas

    • ./install -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT installLocation=installation_location

      where installation_location is the location of your existing WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment installation.

      Use the following optional parameters to specify particular profiles to augment:

      -OPT profileAugmentList=profiles_separated_by_commas

    1. Use the following optional parameters to install the centralized installation manager repository:

      • -OPT installCimgrRepository=true

      • -OPT cimgrInstallLocation=installation_location/cimgr

  3. Review the resulting logs for errors or an installation failure.



You silently installed the customized installation package (CIP).


What to do next

Create a new profile, or augment an existing profile by using the Profile Management tool. You can omit this task if you augmented the profile through the Installation wizard.


Related concepts

Build definition file


Related tasks

Creating a build definition file and generating a CIP
Creating profiles
Planning the installation
Installing WebSphere XD


Related reference

Installation parameters