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Service policy custom properties

You can use the service policy custom properties to provide service policy alerting for persistent service policy violations on a transaction class basis. When a violation is reported, a runtime task is generated by a runtime component within WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise. A task provides information from which you can accept or deny the suggested action plan. To set a custom property, complete the following steps:

  1. In the administrative console, click System administration > Cell > Custom properties > New.

  2. Specify a Name and a Value for the property.

  3. Click Apply.


Use the detectTxcViolations custom property when you want persistent service policy violations to be shown at the transaction class level.

The autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) will use the properties you specify using this custom property. To enable the monitoring and reporting of persistent service policy violations by a transaction class (defined within a service class), set the detectTxcViolations custom property to true. For the runtime task to be generated and enabled for monitoring, this custom property must be set to true, and the service policy must be enabled through the administrative console.

Value True
Default False

You can use the detectSvcViolations custom property when you want persistent service policy violations to be shown at the service class level. You can set the value of detectSvcViolations to false in order to disable runtime tasks for persistent service policy violations at the service class level, while enabling the runtime tasks for violations at the transaction class level by setting detectTxcViolations to true.

The autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) will use the properties you specify using this custom property. Otherwise, it will monitor for only service class violations. To enable the monitoring and reporting of service policy violations within a service class, set the detectSvcViolations custom property to true, or allow it to keep its default value of true. For the runtime task to be generated and enabled for monitoring, this custom property must be set to true, and the service policy must be enabled through the administrative console

Value True
Default True

Related tasks

Manage runtime tasks
Monitor operations
Defining a service policy