Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
Runtime operations reports script
You can use a command-line Java class to configure the runtime operations reports to log data for reuse in external programs.
You can read and filter the data logs into your own files by invoking this Java class from a command line.
The DataReaderWrapper class is located in WebSphere_home\appserver\lib\visualization.cacheservice.jar.
To run the DataReaderWrapper class from a command line, use the following command:
java DataReaderWrapper
The following parameters are available:
- log_type
Type of log. You can use the log_type parameter alone to retrieve a help list of properties and their descriptions for the specified log. These properties can be used for the property_filter parameter.
Example: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache
- log_directory
Directory of the log file.
Example: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log
- output_file_name
Name of the output file.
Example: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log
- interval_start_time
The start time of the log interval in long or string form. Examples:
- Long form: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log 1113189469300
- String form (yy.MM.dd_HH.mm.ss): java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log 05.05.18_12.02.45
- interval_end_time
The end time of the log interval in long or string form. Examples:
- Long form: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log 1113189469300 1113189472500
- String form (yy.MM.dd_HH.mm.ss): java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log 05.05.18_12.02.45 05.05.18_01.02.00
- property_filter
Property value pairs.
Example: java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.log 1113189469300 1113189472500 name server1 node dabtcNode01
- ?
Displays syntax help.
Example: java DataReaderWrapper ?
In the following example, the DataReaderWrapper reads the ServerStatsCache log files in the log directory from the time 1113189469300 to 1113189472500 on the server1 machine and the dabtcNode01 node:
java DataReaderWrapper ServerStatsCache log data.out 1113189469300 1113189472500 name server1 node dabtcNode01
Related concepts
Runtime operations overview
Related tasks
Creating and managing reports