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On demand router system and custom properties

You can use on demand router (ODR) custom properties to change the behavior of your ODR. For example, you can change the error code that the ODR returns when messages are rejected because of processor or memory overload.


Custom properties

To set a custom property on the ODR, complete the following steps:

  1. In the administrative console, select Servers > On demand routers > on_demand_router > Administration > Custom properties > New.

  2. Specify a Name and a Value for the property.

  3. Click Apply.


Use the http.overload.error custom property to configure a custom error code for the autonomic request flow manager to return when an HTTP message over TCP or SSL is rejected due to CPU or memory overload. If you do not configure this custom property, the default 503 error code is returned.

Value Integer
Default 503

Use the sip.overload.error custom property to configure a custom error code for the autonomic request flow manager to return when a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) message over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or SSL is rejected because of CPU or memory overload. If you do not configure this custom property, the default 503 error code is returned.

Value Integer
Default 503

Use the sipu.overload.error custom property to configure a custom error code for the autonomic request flow manager to return when a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) message over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is rejected due to CPU or memory overload. If you do not configure this custom property, the default 503 error code is returned.

Value Integer
Default 503
System properties

Follow the instructions to set specific system properties for the ODR.


Use the ODCLeftGroupDelay =0 system property set to allow no delay for on demand configuration detection of down servers during failover when servers become unavailable.

From the administrative console, select Servers > On Demand Routers >on_demand_router > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.


Use the ODRtraceRouteHeader =0 system property on the ODR, and it will add a response header with the route that the request took.

From the administrative console, select Servers > On Demand Routers >on_demand_router > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

For example, -DODR.traceRouteHeader=TraceRoute adds a response header with the name TraceRoute to each request. The value of this response header is the path that the request took.


Related concepts

Overview of request flow prioritization


Related tasks

Configure ODRs


Related reference

createodr.jacl script Custom properties

Related information

Preparing the hosting environment for dynamic operations
Creating and configuring ODRs
Creating ODRs
Configure SSL offload for all HTTPS traffic