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xd_APCconfig.jacl script

Use the xd_APCconfig.jacl script to make persistent changes to the application placement controller configuration.



You can use the xd_APCconfig.jacl script to modify application placement controller and dynamic cluster attributes and custom properties.



The xd_APCconfig.jacl script is in the install_root\bin directory.



To change the configuration, have configurator or administrator administrative privileges. To run the xd_APCconfig.jacl script with the wsadmin tool, use the following command:

wsadmin.sh -profile xd_APCconfig.jacl -c "insert_proc"

In place of the insert_proc variable, use the name of the procedure and the proper variable values to complete your changes. You must enclose the procedures in quotation marks. You might have to modify the wsadmin command to wsadmin.sh or wsadmin.bat, depending upon your operating environment.



To get a list of the valid attributes that you can set on the application placement controller or dynamic cluster, run the following wsadmin command:
 $AdminConfig show [$AdminConfig getid "/DynamicCluster:clustername/"]

The following procedures are available:

setAPCAttribute attribute_value
Sets the defined attribute and value on the application placement controller. For a list of the valid attributes for the application placement controller, run the following wsadmin command:
$AdminConfig show [$AdminConfig getid "/AppPlacementController:/"]
getAPCAttribute attribute_name
Displays the specified application placement controller attribute and value.
setAPCCustomProperty property value description
Sets the specified application placement controller custom property name, value, and description. See Application placement custom properties for custom properties that you can set on the application placement controller. For example, the following command sets the numVerticalInstances custom property:
wsadmin.sh -profile xd_APCconfig.jacl -c "setAPCCustomProperty numVerticalInstances.myNode 3 verticalstacking"
getAPCCustomProperty custom_property_name
Gets the value and description for the specified application placement controller custom property. For example, the following command gets the value of the numVerticalInstances custom property:
wsadmin.sh -profile xd_APCconfig.jacl -c "getAPCCustomProperty numVerticalInstances.myNode"
setDynamicClusterAttribute dynamic_cluster_name attribute_value
Sets the defined attribute and value for the specified dynamic cluster. For a list of the valid attributes for dynamic clusters, run the following wsadmin command:
$AdminConfig show [$AdminConfig getid "/DynamicCluster:clustername/"]
getDynamicClusterAttribute dynamic_cluster_name attribute
Displays the value for the specified dynamic cluster attribute.
setDynamicClusterCustomProperty dynamic_cluster_name custom_property_name value description
Sets a custom property on the specified dynamic cluster. See Application placement custom properties for custom properties that you can set on dynamic clusters. For example, the following command sets the HTTPsessionRebalanceOff custom property:
wsadmin.sh -profile xd_APCconfig.jacl -c "setDynamicClusterCustomProperty my_dyncluster HTTPSessionRebalanceOff true disablerebalancing"
getDynamicClusterCustomProperty dynamic_cluster_name property
Gets the value of the specified custom property for a dynamic cluster. For example, the following command gets the value of the HTTPSessionRebalanceOff custom property:
wsadmin.sh -profile xd_APCconfig.jacl -c "getDynamicClusterCustomProperty my_dyncluster HTTPSessionRebalanceOff"

Related tasks

Configure dynamic application placement


Related reference

Administrative roles and privileges