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Maintenance mode administrative tasks

You can use the server maintenance mode commands to view or edit the maintenance mode of your servers without using the administrative console. To set maintenance mode on a node, you can use the NodeGroupManager MBean. Use the following commands to set, disable, and check maintenance mode for your servers:

To set, disable, and check maintenance mode for a node:



The setMaintenanceMode command puts a server into maintenance mode.

Required parameters

Name of the server to put into maintenance mode.

Optional parameters

Mode is an optional parameter. If you do not specify a value, then the default is used.

Possible values:

break, affinity, or stop.

Specify break to break Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) affinity and keep the server running. Specify affinity to keep HTTP or SIP affinity active and keep the server running. Specify stop to stop the server immediately and put the server in affinity mode.

Default: affinity

Return value

The command returns void.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The setMaintenanceMode command takes the server out of maintenance mode.

Required parameters

Name of the server to take out of maintenance mode.

Return value

The command returns void.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The checkMode command checks whether a server is in maintenance mode.

Required parameters

Name of the server to check.

Return value

The command returns a string value that indicates the server mode.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Node maintenance mode

You can use the NodeGroupManager MBean to set or unset maintenance mode for a node. See NodeGroupManager MBean for more information.

You can use the following example in wsadmin to set maintenance mode for a node:

set ngmMbean  [$AdminControl queryNames WebSphere:*,type=NodeGroupManager,process=dmgr]   
$AdminControl invoke $ngmMbean setMaintenanceMode {nodeName true true}


Related concepts

Health management


Related tasks

Setting maintenance mode
Creating health policies


Related reference

Health policy administrative tasks