Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
This log file contains fine grained power and work consumption data. A record is written for every transaction class module and server instance. This action creates a record for every middleware application, module, transaction class, and server instance that has had work routed through an on demand router (ODR). Additional fields exist that hold relationship information such as the cluster to which the server belongs, the node group with which the cluster is associated, and the service policy with which the transaction class is associated.
This file is in the log_root/visualization directory.
Usage notes
- timeStamp: Specifies the time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
- tcmodname: Specifies the transaction class module name. This value is a concatenation of the transaction class, the application name, and the module name.
- gwid: Specifies the gateway ID, which is a concatenation of the cluster name, cell name, node name, and ODR name.
- cell: Specifies the cell name.
- appname: Specifies the application name
- modulename: Specifies the module name.
- servicepolicy: Specifies the service policy name.
- tcname: Specifies the transaction class name.
- server: Specifies the server name.
- node: Node name.
- odr: Specifies the ODR name.
- cluster: Specifies the cluster name.
- nodegroup: Node group name.
- begintm: Specifies the time that the interval began.
- endtm: Specifies the end time of the interval.
- workfactor: Specifies the estimated work factor from the work profiler for the request type.
- numserviced: Number of requests serviced of this type.
- workcompleted: Specifies the amount of work completed in the interval, calculated as numserviced*workfactor.
- powerconsumed: Specifies the power consumption, calculated as numserviced*workfactor/(endtm-begintm).
- nodepower: Specifies the total power that is available for the node.
- nodeworkpotential: Specifies the total amount of work that the node could accommodate over the interval (totalnodepower*(endtime-begintime)).
- cellpower: Specifies the total amount of power available for consumption for the cell. This value is the sum of the nodepower value over all nodes in the cell.
- cellworkpotential: Specifies the total amount of work that the cell could accommodate over the interval (totalcellpower*(endtime-begintime)).
Related reference