Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
Excessive request timeout health policy target timeout value
The excessive request timeout health policy specifies an acceptable percentage of requests that can time out after being routed from the on demand router (ODR). The target timeout value can vary depending on settings in your environment.
About the excessive request timeout health policy
The excessive request timeout health policy defines an acceptable percentage of timed out requests that are routed through the ODR. For each control cycle of the health controller, the number requests that timeout after being routed from the ODR is examined. If the percentage of timed requests exceeds the configured percentage, runtime tasks generate to correct the situation.
Default values
By default, the target timeout value for requests is 60 seconds. The default value for the percentage of requests that can time out in the excessive request timeout health policy is 5%. However, setting other properties in your environment can affect the target timeout value that is used.
Settings that affect the timeout value
The following settings in the administrative console affect the target timeout value that is used:
- ODR outbound request timeout setting
To change the setting, click Servers > On demand routers > on_demand_router_name > On demand router properties > On demand router settings and set the ODR outbound request timeout value to a number of seconds.
- goodServiceTimeLimitSpec custom property
- timeoutFactor custom property
- Average response time value that is defined in the service policy
To change the setting, click Operational policy > Service policy > service_policy_name . Specify Average response time as the Goal type and enter a Goal value.
Determining the target timeout value
Depending your configuration, the timeout value that is used as a target value for the excessive request timeout health policy can vary. The following decision tree can help you determine the target timeout value for your environment. The default setting is the path that is indicated with red arrows, or a target timeout value of 60 seconds, which is the default setting for the ODR outbound request timeout.Figure 1. Target timeout value decision tree![]()
Related concepts
Health management
Related tasks
Creating health policies
Manage runtime tasks