Cooperative portlets



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The term cooperative portlets refers to the capability of portlets on a page to interact with each other by sharing information. One or more cooperative portlets on a portal page can automatically react to changes from a source portlet triggered by an action or event in the source portlet. Portlets that are targets of the event can react so that users are not required to make repetitive changes or actions in other portlets on the page.

Cooperation between source and target portlets is facilitated by a WebSphere Portal runtime entity called the property broker. Portlets on a page can cooperate in this way even if they were developed independently, without the programmer's awareness of the existence of the other cooperative portlets.

In this documentation, interface names such as PropertyBrokerService or method names such as activateAction are used without mentioning the package name or specific method signature. The package name and specific method signature are different for the standard and IBM APIs, and omitting these implies that the reference applies to both. Few non-standard extensions are required to support portlet cooperation for standard portlets. As much as possible, the standard interfaces and objects (such as processAction, Portlet/ActionRequest etc) are reused for the portlet cooperation support.

WebSphere Portal supports cross-page portlet communication for cooperative portlets, allowing portlets on different pages to communicate. In addition, portlets using Struts or JavaServer Faces, as well as portlets using the standard portlet APIs, can use the cooperative portlets features.


Related information

  1. Overview of cooperative portlets
  2. Develop portlets for cooperation
  3. Wire cooperative portlets
  4. Internationalization
  5. Struts integration with cooperative portlets
  6. Trace the property broker
  7. Program guidelines for cooperative portlets
  8. Known issues and restrictions with cooperative portlets
  9. Cooperative portlet reference
  10. IBM Portlet API
  11. Struts Portlet Framework
  12. WSDL Specification
  13. XSD specification
  14. Cooperative portlets
  15. Use Cooperative Portlets in WebSphere Portal V5
  16. Use Click-to-Action to Provide User-Controlled Integration of Portlets
  17. Wire Click-to-Action portlets for inter-portlet communication in WebSphere Portal V5
  18. Pass complex data types between cooperative portlets
  19. Develop JSR 168 compliant cooperative portlets