Support new clients



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During the operation of the portal site, you could discover that some users have upgraded their browsers, and that the new browser has certain HTML requirements. Or, you could get a request to support a new mobile phone that has special WML requirements. In either case, we can add support for the client to the portal site. If the new client requires markup that is not supported by the portal site, then first create the new markup language.

To add a new client, first create the subdirectories containing the resources that are necessary to support the new client in each of the following locations:

Windows and UNIX:

was_profile_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/screens

i5/OS :

was_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/screens

Screens are JSPs that are invoked by the portal server for displaying various content. The Home screen is most often displayed because it is used for the portlet content area. Other screens include the Login or Error screen.See Screens for a description of the resources needed for this directory.

Windows and UNIX:

was_profile_root /installedApps/ cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/themes

i5/OS :

was_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/themes

In addition to JSPs, the themes directory might need images, style sheets, or any other file types that are required of the new markup. See Creating your own theme for a description of the resources needed for this directory.

Windows and UNIX:

was_profile_root /installedApps/ cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/skins

i5/OS :

was_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/skins

See Creating a new skin for a description of the resources needed for this directory.

For example, to add a banner page with markup that is specific to Netscape 6 browsers, we can create a Banner.jsp for each theme in the following location:

Windows and UNIX:

was_profile_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html/ns6


was_root /installedApps/cellname/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html/ns6

See Search order for portal resources for complete information about how client resources are found in the directory structure.

Use the Manage Clients administration portlets to add the new client to the the site. Verify that the client name that you add is the same as the subdirectory name that you used for the client.

We can add a new client using the Manage Clients administration portlets in the Portal settings-Supported Clients page. See the Supported clients portlet help for more information.


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