Additional resources for development
This topic includes links to additional resources about development.
Use the following links to find relevant supplemental information. The information resides on IBM and non-IBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information.
These links are provided for convenience. Sometimes, the information is not specific to the IBM WebSphere Portal product, but is useful all or in part for understanding the product. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and IBM Redbooks that supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas.
View links to additional information about:
Programming instructions and examples
- IBM WebSphere Portal V5 A Guide for Portlet Application Development, SG24-6076-00
This IBM Redbook helps you design, develop and implement portlet applications using the IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer and the Portal Toolkit V5. The information provided in this Redbook targets Business-to-Employee (B2E) enterprise applications, but most of the scenarios presented apply to Business-to-Consumer (B2C) applications as well. In this Redbook, you will find step-by-step examples and scenarios showing ways to integrate the enterprise applications into an IBM WebSphere Portal environment using the WebSphere Portal APIs provided by the Portal Toolkit to develop portlets as well as extend the portlet capabilities to use other advanced functions such as cooperative portlets, national language support, action events, portlet messaging, Credential Vault, Web Services and portlet debugging capabilities.
- IBM developerWorks
IBM developerWorks contains many excellent resources for developers, including tutorials on Web development-related topics. There is an excellent tutorial on the JDBC API.
- Articles: Servlets
Articles about writing servlets.
- Articles: JavaServer Pages
Articles about writing JSPs.
- Articles: JavaServer Faces
Articles about writing JSPs.
Programming specifications
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
For more information about JAAS specifications, visit the Sun site that is previously mentioned.
- Portlet specification
For more information about portlet specifications, visit the Sun sponsored site that is previously mentioned.
- J2EE information
For more information about J2EE specifications, visit the Sun site that is previously mentioned.
Additional applications
- IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog at
The portlets that are described in this IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog at are provided by many parties, including IBM. The portlets are listed by IBM in this catalog for the information purposes only. Each of the portlets has an applicable user license agreement. The terms and conditions under which a specific portlet can be used and the responsibilities of the user and the portlet provider are described in the user license agreement for that portlet.
Parent topic:
Resources for learning