Language support



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WebSphere Portal portal can concurrently serve pages and portlets tailored to each user's preferred language.

If portlets do not support a desired language, the portal tries to match the user's language preference as well as possible. For example, if a page for a Japanese user shows several portlets in Japanese and a portlet is added that only supports English, then the page shows the new portlet in English but still show the other portlets in Japanese.

Content within a portlet window can be translated using Transcoded Technology.

Note that some older browsers might have difficulty representing specific languages, depending on the defined character set.

WebSphere Portal v6.0 has been translated into...

ISO 639 Language ISO 639 Language ISO 639 Language
ar Arabic ca Catalan cs Czech
da Danish nl Dutch en English
fi Finnish fr French de German
el Greek iw Hebrew hu Hungarian
it Italian ja Japanese ko Korean
no Norwegian pl Polish pt Portuguese
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese ro Romanian ru Russian
sk Slovak sl Slovenian es Spanish
zh Simplified Chinese zh_TW Traditional Chinese sv Swedish
th Thai tr Turkish uk Ukrainian

WebSphere Portal uses the ISO 639 Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages to represent localized resources. The names for directories containing language-dependent resources follow the ISO 639 naming convention


Example: Set language

Here are instructions for running the WPF Language sample

  1. Download the sample ZIP file

  2. Open WebSphere Portlet Factory and import it into a project using...

    File | Import | WebSphere Portlet Factory Archive

    The project must contain the feature set...

    Tutorials and Samples / Applications

  3. Rebuild the portlet WARs to deploy the portlets added to the project in the last step.

    • Right-click the project name.

    • Choose...

      Rebuild WAR > Rebuild Portlet WARs

    Test the first model

    • Open the model in...

      WEB-INF/models/samples/multi_language folder called multi_language_orders_1.model

      This model uses the Orders service to display summary and detail data about orders and allows updating of orders data.

    • Run this model to ensure it works.

    • Click the Help Link to view the Help page in English.

    • Take a few moments to become familiar with it by opening and editing a record.

  4. Setup the browser to use multiple languages - assuming Internet Explorer

    • From the Tools menu, choose...

      Tools | Internet Options | Languages | Add French(France)[fr] | OK

    • Use the Move Up button to put French at the top of the list. Click OK then click OK again to save these changes.

    • Close the browser so that the next time it is used, French will be the default language.

  5. Run the model again. Much of the page should be in French now.

    • On the summary page, the paragraph at the top, the link to the Help page, and the column headings should be in French.

    • Click the Aide Link to view the Help page in French.

    • On the detail and edit pages, the field labels and navigation buttons should also be in French.

    • None of the data should be translated yet. You will see how that is done in the second model.

  6. Compare and contrast the English and French versions

    • Set the web browser language preference back to English and close the browser.

    • Run the same model again. This time, everything should be in English.

    • Feel free to switch back and forth between the English and French versions until you are comfortable with how it all works.

    • Switch back to Portlet Factory Designer when finished experimenting with this model in the browser.

  7. In Designer, open the model called multi_language_orders_2.model.

    • Run this model. It is very similar to the previous one, but the UI is slightly different on the edit pages because this model has a Rich Data Definition (RDD) builder call that applies base definitions for select lists and date fields. These definitions are in the Base Data Definition file referenced in the RDD builder call.

    • On the summary page and detail, you should see the same French translations for the static text as in the first model plus translations of the data. On the edit pages, you should see select lists and calendar pickers translated into French.

    • Feel free to switch back and forth between the English and French versions until you are comfortable with how it all works.

  8. Test this portlet in WebSphere Portal

    • Change the preferred browser language to English.

    • Login into Portal as an administrator.

    • Create a page or navigate to an existing page and add the portlet...

      Sample Multi Language Orders

    • Create a user in Portal whose language preference is French and give the user access to the language portlet.

    • Log out and log in as the French user.

    • The portlet should be in French. Test the portlet by opening and editing a record.

      It should behave as it did when you tested it running in a browser.

    • The Aide Link at the top of the page will be disabled.

      The portlet's help page, accessible via the Aide link on the portlet.s menu in the upper right corner of the portlet.s border should be active. Choose Aide from this menu and you should see the French version of the help page.


    See also:

    Change the language
    Change the character set for a language
    Support a new language