Out-of-box security


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Choose this option if you are new to IBM WebSphere Portal and want to experiment with available options before customizing the portal and staging to a production environment. We can also choose this option if you have a non-clustered environment with a small number of users, such as a portlet development environment or proof of concept environment.

We can configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt all traffic between the client browser and the portal server, so that no one can "eavesdrop" on the information that is exchanged over the network between the client browser and the portal. In addition, assuming that the IBM WAS on which portal is running is also configured to accept (or even require) SSL connections, the LTPA Token and other security and session information can be completely protected against hijack and replay attacks.

Security is now enabled with a default repository and a database user registry.

Authorization is sometimes referred to as access control. Authorization determines what interactions a user is permitted to have with a resource or a service. Administrators configure access to...

...by assigning roles to users and groups.


Parent Topic

Configuring security
Manage access, users, and groups