Import documents into a document library

Import documents from the local system into a document library using the Document Libraries portlet.

Use the Document Libraries portlet to import multiple files and directories into a document library.

  1. Navigate to the Document Libraries portlet.

  2. Click the import icon that displays next to the document library name. The Import from file system window displays the import settings.

  3. Select the document language of the document library. The default document language is the language of the document library. The document language does not affect the content of documents. If the language of the document library is not listed, select Other.

  4. Optional: Type a directory on the server to which the files will be imported in the Add files to path field. If this field is left blank, the files will be imported to the top folder of the selected document library. If the path does not exist in the library, the folder path will be created. Use forward or backward slashes to indicate folders and subfolders. For example, folder1/subfolderA or folder1\subfolderA. Folder names cannot contain the following characters: asterisk (*), question mark (?), angle brackets (< >),percent sign (%), apostrophe ('), double quotes ("), at sign (@), pipe (|), square brackets, ([ ]), curly brackets ({ }), and colon (:). Imported folder names, including the full file path with directory and file name, must not exceed 180 characters in length. Folder names can contain spaces.

    Even if the library file structure is locked by the administrator, a folder is still created when imported.

  5. Specify which files to import by selecting one of these options:

    • Files: Browse for files on the local system

    • Directory: Browse for a folder on the local system

    If you specify a directory from the local system that has the same name as one of the Document Manager default folders, such as All Documents, you will see this error:

    /Path Name/Document Name An error occurred while trying to 
    import the document. 

    Example - /A/All Documents/Test.doc An error occurred while trying to import the document.

  6. Click Select and import to start the import process.

  7. Select the files or directory that you want to import and click Import or OK.


Parent Topic

Create document libraries


Related tasks

Import a document