Prepare the previous environment for migration
This section describes the required manual steps to prepare your previous IBM WebSphere Portal environment for migration. To ensure a proper migration, clean up the previous environment and apply the following interim fixes to the appropriate, previous WebSphere Portal environment:
You must apply the fixes in the order provided below to ensure a proper migration process.
- Clean up the previous environment if you deleted pages, resources, users, or groups to ensure that you have a clean migration:
- If you deleted portal pages, see Delayed cleanup of deleted portal pages.
- If you deleted resources, you may have orphaned data; see Delete orphaned data.
- If you deleted users or groups using the configured user registry, see Deregistering Users and Groups from WebSphere Portal.
- Validate the database property values
Run the validate-database-connection task on the previous environment to verify that the proper values are specified in the file because these values are required when running the migration tasks.
- Use the following steps to apply the following interim fixes to the previous environment:
- Create an update directory on the previous WebSphere Portal directory; for example,...
C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer\update.
- Download the WebSphere Portal Update Installer from to the update directory you created in the previous step.
- Unzip the interim fixes from the appropriate directory of the current WebSphere Portal directory to the update directory created in the previous step:
- portal_server_root/migration/fixes/510
- portal_server_root/migration/fixes/5101
- portal_server_root/migration/fixes/5102
- portal_server_root/migration/fixes/5103
- Enter the following command on the command line to set the WAS_HOME environment variable for the previous version directory where you will run the WebSphere Portal Update Installer:
- Windows:...
set WAS_HOME=was_old_root;...for example...
set WAS_HOME=C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer
export WAS_HOME=was_old_root;
...for example...
export WAS_HOME=/opt/Websphere/AppServer
- i5/OS:
export WAS_HOME=was_old_root;
...for example...
export WAS_HOME=/opt/Websphere/AppServer
- Enter the following command on the command line to install the interim fixes for the previous version:
- Windows:
.\updatePortal.bat -install -installDir wp_old_root -fix -fixDir wp_old_root/update -fixes list of fixes;...for example...
updatePortal.bat -install -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer" -fix -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer\update" -fixes PK07258 PK07872
./ -install -installDir wp_old_root -fix -fixDir wp_old_root/update -fixes list of fixes;
...for example...
./ -install -installDir /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer -fix -fixDir /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/update -fixes PK07258 PK07872
- i5/OS:
./ -install -installDir wp_old_root -fix -fixDir wp_old_root/update -fixes list of fixes;
...for example... -install -installDir /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer -fix -fixDir /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/update -fixes PK07258 PK07872
- Apply the following interim fixes for v5.1.0 (all platforms):
- PQ96317
- PQ98046
- PQ97287
- PQ95975
- PQ97656
- PQ99439
- PQ99519
- PK01286
- PK00826
- PK03737
- PK01695
- PK07872
- PK14100
- PK15013
- PK19790
- PK23171
- PK20467
- Apply the following interim fixes for v5.1.0.1 (all platforms):
- PK07872
- PK14100
- PK14103
- PK15013
- PK19790
- PK23171
- PK20467
- PK16371
- PK16597
- PK18538
- PK21688
- PK07258
- PK17690
- PK21136
- PK23901
- Apply the following interim fixes for v5.1.0.2 (all platforms):
- PK14100
- PK14103
- PK15013
- PK19790
- PK23171
- PK20467
- PK16371
- PK16597
- PK18538
- PK21688
- PK17690
- PK21136
- PK22244
- PK23901
- Apply the following interim fixes for v5.1.0.3 (all platforms):
- PK23171
- PK20467
- PK18538
- PK21688
- PK21136
- PK22244
- PK23901
- Apply the following interim fixes (iSeries only):
- 510:
- PK01639
- PK08409
- PK11536
- 5101:
- PK08409
- PK11536
- 5102:
- PK11536
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