About the installation program


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  1. Overview
  2. Install with the graphical installation program
  3. Install with the console interface
  4. Install with a response file
  5. Install response file parameters



The installation program allows you to install WebSphere Portal as the base and then add other components in an incremental fashion as needed. The installation process is made up of two general steps:

  1. Install the product files to the file system and set appropriate OS information
  2. Perform a series of configuration tasks


Install with the graphical installation program

WebSphere Portal includes a graphical installation program that gathers essential information for the installation, such as where WebSphere Portal should be installed, and then performs the installation accordingly. In addition, the installation program sets certain properties in the wpconfig.properties file for later use during configuration.

To run the graphical installation program, go to the root directory of the setup CD and run...

  • Windows:


  • UNIX:


Before you begin installation, disable or turn off any screen saver software that is running on the machine.

The installation program requires a Java Run-time Environment (JRE) to run. The installation program checks for the correct level of the JRE and automatically installs it if it does not exist on the machine.

The installation program verifies the following information prior to installation:

Two instances of the portal server cannot be installed at the same time, even if installed to different directories. Each Portal server must be installed completely before beginning the installation of the next one.


Install with the console interface

The WebSphere Portal installation program also provides a console interface, which enables you to perform an interactive installation from a command prompt.

We cannot install two instances of the portal server at the same time, even in different directories. You must install each portal server completely before beginning the installation of the next one.

To launch the installation program from the console interface,...

  • Windows:

    install.bat -console

  • UNIX:

    1. If you are installing from physical CD-ROM discs, attempting to use the console interface to install directly from the CD-ROM discs can cause the CD drive to become unmountable. To avoid this problem, copy the contents of the setup CD to a location on the hard drive, such as a directory called cdSetup.

    2. From the hard drive, enter the command...

      cd Setup
      install.sh -console

The console interface presents the same content as the graphical installation program, only in a textual form. Indicate the selections by entering a number corresponding to the choice and proceed through the installation by pressing Enter.

For example, to select the language that you want to use for the installation, you would see output similar to the following example:

D:\>install -console Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2006  All Rights Reserved.

Select a language to be used for this wizard.

[ ] 1  - Czech [X] 2  - English [ ] 3  - French [ ] 4  - German [ ] 5  - Greek [ ] 6  - Hungarian [ ] 7  - Italian [ ] 8  - Japanese [ ] 9  - Korean [ ] 10 - Polish [ ] 11 - Portuguese [ ] 12 - Portuguese (Brazil)
[ ] 13 - Russian [ ] 14 - Simplified Chinese [ ] 15 - Spanish [ ] 16 - Traditional Chinese [ ] 17 - Turkish 
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]


Install with a response file

WebSphere Portal can be installed from a command line through the use of a response file. When installing with a response file, the installation program can retrieve information from the response file that would otherwise be entered by the user during the installation, such as the directory where WebSphere Portal is to be installed or the location of WAS.

Installation from a command line with a response file is well suited to situations where the use of a graphical installation program is impractical or undesirable or where you want to install WebSphere Portal on multiple machines with a similar setup.

We cannot install two instances of the portal server at the same time, even in different directories. You must install each portal server completely before beginning the installation of the next one.

To run the installation program, enter the following command from the root directory of the setup CD:

./install.sh -options "<path_to_file>/response_filename"

...where <path_to_file> is the full path to the response file containing the values that you want to use during the installation and response_file_name is the name of the file. Note that quotation marks are required around the file name only if there are spaces in the directory path or file name.

For example:

./install.sh -options /usr/WebSphere/installresponse.txt

A sample response file (installresponse.txt) file is located in the root directory of the setup CD.

When you run the WebSphere Portal installation program, a response file containing the information that you entered during installation is automatically created and saved in...


This response file can be useful if you want to install a similar WebSphere Portal configuration on multiple machines. By modifying a few parameters in the response file, such as the host.name of the machine where you want to install, we can perform multiple installations without having to enter information in the installation program each time.


Install response file parameters



Silent installation.

The installation program will not display any graphical interface panels or solicit input from the user. If a required parameter is not specified in the response file, an error message will be logged.

To not install silently, for debugging or other purposes, comment this parameter out.


-G licenseAccepted="true"

WebSphere Portal license acceptance. Default is false. Set it to true for the silent install to complete successfully.


-W installWps.choice="true"

Choose to install


-W was.location="/opt/IBM /WebSphere/AppServer"

WAS installation location

Directory where you want to install WebSphere Application Server (WAS). If already installed, the location where it is installed. Conventions for specifying path information...

AIX /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
Linux /opt/WebSphere/AppServer
Solaris /opt/WebSphere/AppServer
HP-UX /opt/WebSphere/AppServer
Windows C:\WebSphere\AppServer


-W installedWasLocation.managedNode="false"

If installing on an existing WAS, specify if you are installing on a managed node.


-W managedNodeInput.primarySecondary="true"

If installing on an existing WebSphere Application Server, and you are installing on a managed node, specify if you are installing on a primary or secondary node.

true - Primary node

false - Secondary node


-W managedNodeInput.profile=""

WAS managed node profile

If installing on an existing WAS, and you are installing on a managed node, specify the profile you are installing on.


-W nodeCellHost.cellName="DefaultCell"

You must replace the "DefaultCell" value with the cell name that you want to use for the default node.

WAS cell name

Specify the cell within the WAS profile which the WebSphere Portal application server will belong. This value must be unique among other cell names in the same profile.


-W nodeCellHost.nodeName="DefaultNode"

You must replace the "DefaultNode" value with the node name that you want to use for the default node.

WAS node name

Specify the node within the WAS cell to which the WebSphere Portal application server will belong. This value must be unique among other node names in the same cell. Typically, this value is the same as the host.name for the computer.

You must replace the "DefaultNode" value with the node name that you want to use for the default node.


-W nodeCellHost.hostName="host"

WAS host name

Specify the fully qualified host.name or IP address of the computer that is running WAS. For example, "host".


-W wasAdmin.user="wasadmin"
-W wasAdmin.password=""

WAS administrative user and password

Enter the user ID and password for the WAS administrator


-W portal.location="/opt/IBM /WebSphere/PortalServer"

Websphere portal installation location

Directory where you want to install WebSphere Portal. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform.

  • AIX: /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
  • HP-UX: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
  • Linux: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
  • Solaris: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
  • Windows: C:\WebSphere\PortalServer


-W portalAdmin.user="wpsadmin"
-W portalAdmin.password=""

Websphere portal administrator user id and password

Specify the user ID and password of the WebSphere Portal administrator.


-W wasService.was="true" or -W wasService.was="false"

Install the WAS service (Windows only)

If you are installing WAS on a machine that is running Windows, specify whether you want to install it as a service. Using Services, we can start and stop services, and configure startup and recovery actions.

If you are not installing WAS or are installing it on a system that is not running Windows, we can ignore this parameter or comment it out.


  • true - Install WAS as service

  • false - Do not install WAS as service


-W wasService.wps="true" or -W wasService.wps="false"

Install the websphere portal service (Windows only)

If you are installing WebSphere Portal on a machine that is running Windows, specify whether you want to install it as a service. Using Services, we can start and stop services, and configure startup and recovery actions.

If you are installing WebSphere Portal on a system that is not running Windows, we can ignore this parameter or comment it out.



-W wasService.user="YOUR_USER_NAME"
-W wasService.password="YOUR_PASSWORD"

User name and password for service installation (Windows only)

If you chose to install WAS or IBM HTTP Server as a service (specified a value of "true" for the wasService.was or wasService.wps parameters), also specify the user name and password that will be used to install the services.

In order to install the service and have it run properly, the user that you specify must have administrator authority and "Log on as a service" authority.

If you are not installing WAS or are installing it on a system that is not running Windows, we can ignore these parameters or comment them out.

Replace the placeholder values "YOUR_USER_NAME" and "YOUR_PASSWORD" with appropriate values for the system.


-W cdSetup.cdPath="/cdimg/A-Setup"

Setup cd location

Directory path to the Setup CD installation image. Although this can be to a CD-ROM drive, for unattended installation this location is more likely to be a directory where electronic product images are stored, such as on a network drive.

This directory should contain the executable program that is used to launch the WebSphere Portal installation program. For example: install.exe.

Replace the placeholder value with the appropriate value for the system.


-W userInputCDLocWas.cdPath="/cdimg/A-1"

WAS cd location

Directory path to the WAS CD installation image. Although this can be to a CD-ROM drive, for unattended installation this location is more likely to be a directory where electronic product images are stored, such as on a network drive.

Replace the placeholder value with the appropriate value for the system.

Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform. The default CD layout according to platform:

A-1: AIX
H-1: HP-UX
IL-1: Linux for x86
ZL-1: Linux for zSeries
PL-1: Linux for PPC
SS-1: Solaris
W-1: Windows


-W userInputCDLocWps.cdPath="/cdimg/A-2"

Websphere process server cd location

Directory path to the WebSphere Process Server installation images. Although this can be to a CD-ROM drive, for unattended installation this location is more likely to be a directory where electronic product images are stored, such as on a network drive.

Replace the placeholder value with the appropriate value for the system.

Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform. The default CD layout according to platform:

A-2: AIX
SS-2: Solaris
H-2: HP-UX
IL-2: Linux for x86
PL-2: Linux for PowerPC
ZL-2: Linux for zSeries
W-2: Windows

For example, with AIX -W archiveMediaPanel1.cdPath="/cdimg/A-3"

cdletter-3: All platforms

Archive cd 1

Directory path to the first archive install image. Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform.

A-3: AIX
SS-3: Solaris
H-3: HP-UX
IL-3: Linux for x86
PL-3: Linux for PowerPC
ZL-3: Linux for zSeries
W-3: Windows

For example, with AIX -W archiveMediaPanel2.cdPath="/cdimg/A-4"

cdletter-4: All platforms

Archive cd 2

Directory path to the second archive install image. The CD number is specific to the operating system. Following is an example on AIX.

-W archiveMediaPanel2.cdPath="/cdimg/A-4"

A-4: AIX
SS-4: Solaris
H-4: HP-UX
IL-4: Linux for x86
PL-4: Linux for PowerPC
ZL-4: Linux for zSeries
W-4: Windows


-W dependency.useValidation="true"

Specify whether you want to disable the prerequisite checking and input validation used during the WebSphere Portal installation.

Because prerequisite checking and input validation play an important role in ensuring a successful installation, IBM recommends that disable dependency checking only when absolutely necessary.


  • true: - Dependency checking is performed. This is the default value and is assumed if the dependency.useValidation parameter is not specified.

  • false: - No dependency checking is performed.


-W dependency.rulesDirectory="DIRECTORY_PATH"

To use custom dependency and validation rules, specify the directory where the custom rules files are located.

This parameter is not required if you have disabled dependency checking (specified a value of "false" for the dependency.useValidation parameter.)

Replace the placeholder value "DIRECTORY_PATH with the appropriate value for the system.


-W basicConfig.choice="yes"

(iSeries only) Specify the WAS instance where WebSphere Portal will be configured.

A WAS instance of type PME must be specified for this parameter when basic configuration is performed during installation.


-W iSeriesdetectProfileAction.profileName

(iSeries only) User Specified Profile Name Option Specify the name of WAS profile to be created: -W iSeriesdetectProfileAction.profileName=wp_profile9


-W iSeriesStartingPort.startingPort=

(iSeries only) User specified starting port for WAS profile creation option.

Specify the starting port that will be used in creating WAS profile.


-W adminPortBlockInput.startingPortToScan="10000"

-W adminPortBlockInput.endingPortToScan="65000"

User specified port scan range for websphere administrative server (Non-iseries)

When you want to specify port values for the WebSphere Administrative Server, one option is to specify a range of port values that will be searched until a block of free ports is found. These two properties specify the search range to scan. If any of the ports in a block are busy, the remaining range is scanned for a free block.

WebSphere Portal sets the default starting port to scan value to 10000.


-W adminPortBlockInput.portBlockSize="25"

User specified port block size for websphere admin server (Non-iseries)

This property determines the number of consecutive ports that will be used for configuring the WebSphere Administrative Server. When searching for a block of free ports, the WebSphere Portal installation will search in increments of this number. Do not enter a number lower than 25.

The default port block size is 25.


-W adminPortBlockInput.portsFilePath="c:\cdSetup\WASDefaultPortsFile.props"

User specified ports file path for websphere admin server (NON-ISERIES)

When you want to specify port values for the WebSphere Administrative Server, one option is to specify a file that defines all of the WebSphere Administrative Server port values. Each line in the file has a <portname>=<value> pair. See the file WASDefaultPortsFile.props in the cdsetup directory for a ports file example.

The file content is not validated so any errors will cause the installation program to fail.

Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform. The full path is required.

When this parameter is specified, the other WebSphere Administrative Server port values are ignored



-W detectProfileAction.isDefault="True"

Set the portal profile as the default websphere profile (Non-iSeries)

This parameter specifies whether the portal profile should be the default profile. The default behavior is to set the portal profile as the default when no other profiles exist in WAS. Values:

  • "True" - Sets the portal profile as the default profile.

  • "False" - Leaves the existing default profile as is.

DB2/400 user profile and password (iSeries only)

A valid iSeries user profile and password for the target server must be specified for this parameter when basic configuration is performed during installation (a value of "yes" is used for the basicConfig.choice parameter). -W was.location="/opt/IBM /WebSphere/AppServer"

Specify the user profile and password used to access the DB2/400 database. WebSphere Portal on iSeries deploys its configuration information directly to the DB2/400 database. The profile specified for the DB2/400 DB2 user will be the owner of the WebSphere Portal database schemas. The user specified must be able to log onto the iSeries system, must have *USER authority, and must be able to create objects in the QSYS.LIB file system.


-W setupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId="full"

Install Websphere Application Server

Indicate the type of installation that best suits the needs.


  • full - Install WebSphere Portal and all the components that it requires, including WAS.

  • custom - Select an existing WAS on which to install WebSphere Portal.


-W portalPortBlockInput.startingPortToScan="10025"

-W portalPortBlockInput.endingPortToScan="65000"

User specified port scan range for websphere portal server (Non-iSeries)

When you want to specify the port values for WebSphere Portal, one option is to specify a range of port values that will be searched until a block of free ports is found. These two properties specify the search range. If any of the ports in a block are busy, the remaining range is scanned for a free block.

WebSphere Portal sets the default starting port value to 10025 and the default ending port to scan value to 65000.


-W portalPortBlockInput.portsFilePath="C:\cdSetup\WPDefaultPortsFile.props"

User specified ports file path for portal server (Non-iSeries)

When you want to specify port values for WebSphere Portal, one option is to specify a file that defines all of WebSphere Portal port values. Each line in the file has a <portname>=<value> pair. See the file WPDefaultPortsFile.props in the cdsetup directory for a ports file example.

The file content is not validated so any errors will cause the install program to fail. Be sure to follow the convention for specifying path information on the platform. The full path is required.

When this parameter is specified, the other portal server port values are ignored (portalPortBlockInput.startingPortToScan, portalPortBlockInput.endingPortToScan, portalPortBlockInput.portBlockSize).


-W detectProfileAction.isDefault="True"

Specify whether WebSphere Portal profile should be the default WAS profile (Non-iSeries). The default behavior is to set WebSphere Portal profile as the default when no other profiles exist in WAS.


  • "True" - Sets the Portal profile as the default profile.
  • "False" - Leaves the existing default profile as is.


-W detectProfileAction.profileName="wp_profile"

Portal profile name

By default, the name of WebSphere Portal profile is wp_profile. If multiple WebSphere Portal profiles exist in the same instance of WAS, a number is added to the default name to make it unique, such as wp_profile1.

The name must be unique within the profiles of the WebSphere Portal instance.


-W detectProfileAction.profilePath="C:\Program Files\IBM \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\wp_profile"

Portal profile path

The profile path contains the path to WebSphere Portal profile. By default, it is set to a subdirectory of WebSphere Portal profile directory using the profile name.

We can change the name of the profile by deactivating profile detection and supplying both profile name and profile path like this:

-W detectProfileAction.profileName="my_profile"
-W detectProfileAction.profilePath="c:\full\path\my_profile"


-W defaults.unixFilePermissions="770"

Set the file permissions on unix systems (UNIX-only) This parameter specifies the file permissions for the files installed to the portal installation directory. Valid values are in the range of 000 - 777. The default value is 770.


-W emptyPortal.active="True"

empty portal option

This parameter specifies to remove all portal resources.


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