Post migration steps



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The IWWCM (IWWCM) migration process does not automatically update the Web content to use all the new features of the current release. The following steps are recommended to update the old Web content to take advantage of the new WCM features.


Web content configuration files

The Web content configuration files...


...have been deprecated and replaced by...


No configuration settings from the old system are migrated to this file. Edit this file and update settings to match the old configuration if required.

The JDBC URL propertyDatabase driver URLs now need to contain escape characters. Edit any JDBC URLs copied from an old connect.cfg file. For example:

  • Old URL:


  • New URL:



Anchor tags and URLs

You should replace any anchor tags or URLs in presentation templates or element designs by using either a link element, or using the "add link" feature in HTML and rich text fields and elements. To assist in this process, the following files are created under the summary path folder specified during data migration:

  • transformed_contents.links
  • transformed_library_components.links
  • transformed_content_components.links
  • transformed_presentation_templates.links

These files can be used as reference material as they list the old and new names and paths of content items, components (library components), elements (content components) and presentation templates.


Links to WCM content from external sites

During migration, some items will be merged, added or renamed. You may need to update links to WCM content from external sites. To assist in this process, the following files are created under the summary path folder specified during data migration:

  • transformed_contents.links
  • transformed_library_components.links
  • transformed_content_components.links
  • transformed_presentation_templates.links

These files list the old and new names and paths of content items, components (library components), elements (content components) and presentation templates.


Siblings with the same name

Unlike previous versions of WCM, you are not able create two sibling WCM using the same name in IBM WebSphere Portal version 6.0. For example, the old system may have the following site framework:

  • MySite

    • MySiteArea
    • MySiteArea

During migration, the second site area will be renamed as "MySiteArea_1". The site framework will now look like this:

  • MySite

    • MySiteArea
    • MySiteArea_1

Any references to the path "MySite/MySiteArea" will be left unchanged, but will now only point to the site area named "MySiteArea". Edit any paths that should now point to "MySite/MySiteArea_1" instead.

This example also applies to other siblings such as categories and content items.


Draft items

Any draft sites, site areas and taxonomies that have child items will be published during migration, as will their children. Any items that have had there status changed from draft to published are listed in published_draft_items.txt located under the summary path folder specified during data migration. You should review this file and check that any changes to these published items are valid.

If no items have had there status changed from draft to published, this file will not be created.


Navigator elements

Paging is now supported in the design of navigator elements. After migration, the maximum number of items to be displayed per page is set at one hundred by default. If any or the navigators display more than one hundred items, edit this figure. We can also add a paging element to the navigator design.


Menu elements

A "no result" design has been added to menu elements. You must edit all the menus and enter appropriate text in the "no result" design. Otherwise, nothing will be displayed when a menu finds no results.


Name and title fields

A title field has been added to the identification section of all items. This is used to store the title of the item as you would like it to be displayed on the rendered Web page. Unlike he name field, the title field can use double-byte and non-ASCII characters. When migrated, the current name is also copied to the title field. Edit any items where you would like to use a different title than one created during migration.

Any Web content tags that use the field="name" attribute, such as the placeholder tag, can be changed to use field="title" as well.


Connect tags

The use of "connect" tags has been deprecated, with the exception of component caching. Content that uses "connect" tags will still work, but IBM recommends that "connect" tags be replaced with other standard Web content features.


WCM search

The WCM search module is no longer supported. The WebSphere Portal search features are now used to search for WCM

Any search forms that use the WCM search module must be replaced or updated with search forms using the WebSphere Portal search features.


Moving objects to new libraries

The WCM migration process will only create a single library. To implement multiple libraries, create new libraries and move items from the migrated library into the new libraries.


API code

After migration, any WCM API code should still function as normal. The API will, by default, use the library specified in the file.

Once you create new libraries and add items to those libraries, update the API code to be library-specific by using the setCurrentDocumentLibrary method. See the Javadoc HTML files located under...

was_profile_root \AppServer\profiles\wp_profile\installedApps\nodename\wcm.ear\ilwwcm.war\webinterface\

...for further information on using this method.


JSP files

Any JSP files used on the old system will need to be manually copied to the new system.


Authoring portlet access changes

You no longer assign access to the different views in the authoring portlet by configuring the authoring portlet. Access to the different views in the authoring portlet is now determined by the role assigned to users and groups.


Referential integrity

Referential integrity features have been added in this release. See Delete items for further information.

These features are not applied to a migrated items that contain element or component tags until the item is opened and saved in the authoring portlet.


Authoring portlet pages

Although authoring portlets are not migrated, any portal pages that previously displayed an authoring portlet on the old system are migrated as blank pages. We can either delete these pages, or add a new authoring portlet to the blank page.


Presentation templates

Migrated presentation templates may contain additional HTML header information not present in the original presentation template. The additional header information will not affect any content rendered in the presentation template and can be deleted.


Remove the migration tool

To remove the migration tool, run the remove-wcm-migration task from the portal_server_root/config directory of the new system.

  • Windows:

    WPSconfig.bat remove-wcm-migration

  • UNIX:

    ./ remove-wcm-migration

  • i5/OS: -profileName profile_root remove-wcm-migration

    where profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed. For example, wp_profile.


Parent topic:

Migrate Web Content Management