Reference a Federated content component


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The federated content component tag is used to reference federated content.

<FederatedLibCmpnt name=" " 
                   scope=" " 
                   attributename=" " 
                   format=" " 
                   " end=" " /> 

<FederatedLibCmpnt Opens a component tag.
name=" " Name and library of the component being referenced. For example,...


To use the library specified in the URL of the current page, use...

scope=" " What will be returned from the selected federated content:


Federated content.


URL to the federated content.


Attribute of the federated content.
attributename=" " If scope="attribute" specify the attribute to display.
format=" " Display format of dates and numbers.
start=" "
end=" "
Wrap the data returned by an IWWCM tag within other tags, such as HTML. Optional.
/> Close a WCM tag.

When using this tag, only required parameters should be used. Do not include parameters that are not required, or that contain no settings.



Display the attributes of federated content:

To display the "title" of federated content...

<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   attributeName="title" />

To display the "last modified" date of federated content...

<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   format="dd/MM/yyyy" />


Display the content of federated content:

Only federated content of the type "text/*" can be rendered as content. To display the content of federated content...

<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   scope="content" />


Display the URL of federated content:

To display the URL of federated content...

<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   scope="contenturl" />


Display the URL of federated content as a link:

To display the URL of federated content as a link in a Web page...

<a href="
<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   scope="contenturl" />
<FederatedLibCmpnt name="component_name" 
                   attributeName="title" />


Display an image stored as federated content:

To display an image stored as federated content...

<img src="<FederatedLibCmpnt 
                   scope="contenturl"/>" >


Parent Topic

Reference elements


Parent Topic

Work with DB2 Content Manager