Grant users or groups access to an item



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Specify the access control settings for the current item to designate which users have access to an item and their level of access. The access section is common to all item forms.

To grant users or groups access to an item:

  1. Go to the Access section of a form.

  2. Click either:

    1. Grant Read Access.
    2. Grant Edit Access.
    3. Grant Delete Access.

  3. To add users or groups, click Add.

    1. Select either Users or Groups.

    2. Enter text to search for in the Search field and then click Search. (Leave the Search field blank to display all users or groups.)

    3. Select the required users or groups and then click OK.

  4. To remove users or groups, select the users or groups you would like to remove and then click Remove.

  5. Then click OK.


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Create items


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Define authoring template details


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Define metadata for a content item