Display an item's "last modified" date



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The history component tag is used to display an item's "last modified" date. This tag can be added to presentation templates, element designs and component designs.

<historycmpnt type=" " context=" " name=" " field="lastmodified" format="" start=" " end=" " />
<historycmpnt Opens a history component tag.
type=" " This determines where the workflow field is being referenced from. Either "site", "sitearea", or "content".
context=" " This determines which item is being referenced.


Refers to a particular item as specified in the name attribute below.


This will reference the component from the current site, site area or content file that is being browsed by the user.


Component being referenced will be determined by the search parameters of a menu, navigator or taxonomy component.
name=" " Enter the name and library of the item being referenced. For example, name="library/item". If no library is specified, the library specified in the URL of the current page is used. This is not used if context=current or context=autofill.
field=" " This is always equal to "lastmodified".
format="" Used to define the format of the date/time to be displayed. Only applies to date fields used with the field="" attribute.
start=" " end=" " The start and end attributes are used to wrap the data returned by an IWWCM tag within other tags, such as HTML. These attributes are not mandatory.
/> Closes a Web Content Management tag.


Parent Topic

Display item details