Expiring strategies
Like caching strategies, a server's default expiring strategies can be set in WCMConfigService.properties. Custom expiring parameters can also be set in connect tags and URL requests to override a server's default expiring strategies.
If basic caching is used as the default Web content cache, custom expiring cannot be used.
In most cases the expiry schedule is based around how often the source content is updated. So, if the source content is updated hourly, then each cache would be expired hourly. If the source content is updated daily, then each cache would be expired daily.
Beyond these examples, a different expiry schedule would be used. If the Web pages were only updated weekly, or monthly, you would still schedule the caches to expire daily. Otherwise, when the source content was updated, it could take up to a week for it to appear on the site.
Caching expiries versus workflow expiries
The expires parameter in a workflow is not related to the Expires parameter in IWWCM caching. A page that is set to expire at midnight as part of a workflow will only do so if it has not already been saved in a cache. The page will remain in the cache until expired by the Web Content Management application regardless of the Expires setting in a workflow.
Parent Topic
Caching options