Directory Server, Version 6.1


Defining a directory

A directory is a collection of information about objects arranged in a hierarchical structure. It is a data repository that enables users or applications to find resources that have the characteristics needed for a particular task.

If the name of an object is known, its characteristics can be retrieved. If the name of a particular individual object is not known, the directory can be searched for a list of objects that meet a certain requirement. Directories can usually be searched by a specific criteria and not just by a predefined set of characteristics.

A directory is a data repository that has characteristics that set it apart from general purpose relational databases. A characteristic of a directory is that it is accessed (read or searched) much more often than it is updated (written). Because directories must be able to support high volumes of read requests, they are typically optimized for read access. Because directories are not intended to provide as many functions as general-purpose databases, they can be optimized to economically provide more applications with rapid access to directory data in large distributed environments.

A directory can be centralized or distributed. If a directory is centralized, there is one directory server at one location that provides access to the directory. If the directory is distributed, more than one server, sometimes geographically dispersed, provides access to the directory.

When a directory is distributed, the information stored in the directory can be partitioned or replicated. When information is partitioned, each directory server stores a unique and non-overlapping subset of the information. That is, each directory entry is stored by one and only one server. One technique to partition the directory is to use LDAP referrals returned from a server directing clients to refer Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) requests to either the same or different name spaces stored in a different (or same) server. Partitioning can also be accomplished with a proxy server without using referrals. When information is replicated, the same directory entry is stored by more than one server. In a distributed directory, some information may be partitioned, and some information may be replicated.


Directory clients and servers

Directories are usually accessed using the client-server model of communication. The directory clients and servers might not be on the same machine. A server is capable of serving many clients. An application that wants to read or write information in a directory does not access the directory directly. Instead, it calls a function or an application programming interface (API) that causes a message to be sent to another process. This second process accesses the information in the directory on behalf of the requesting application. The results of the read or write actions are then returned to the requesting application.

An API defines the programming interface that a particular programming language uses to access a service. The format and contents of the messages exchanged between client and server must adhere to an agreed upon protocol. LDAP defines a message protocol used by directory clients and directory servers. There is also an associated LDAP API for the C language and ways to access the directory from a Java™ application using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).


Directory security

A directory should support the basic capabilities needed to implement a security policy. The directory might not directly provide the underlying security capabilities, but it might be integrated with a trusted network security service that provides the basic security services. First, a method is needed to authenticate users. Authentication verifies that users are who they say they are. A user name and password is a basic authentication scheme. After users are authenticated, it must be determined if they have the authorization or permission to perform the requested operation on the specific object.

Authorization is often based on access control lists (ACLs). An ACL is a list of authorizations that may be attached to objects and attributes in the directory. An ACL identifies what type of access each user or a group of users is allowed or denied on a directory entry or object. In order to make ACLs shorter and more manageable, users with the same access rights are often put into groups or the ACLs can be filtered. See Access control lists for more information.

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