The Personalization interface


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The Portal Personalization interface consists of three portlets.

  1. The Personalization Navigator
  2. The Personalization Editor
  3. The Personalized List

These portlets automatically install with IBM WebSphere Portal. Although personalization services can be used in portlets supporting remote WSRP services, the personalization portlets do not support being used as a remote WSRP service.


Personalization Navigator

The Personalization Navigator is the main navigation interface. Users explore the repository with a tree structure--directories display in the left window, and elements within a selected directory display in the right window. The view can be modified to eliminate the left window, and instead list all directories and elements in a hierarchical list. A drop-down list enables users to show all elements in Personalization, or filter the view to display a single element type (such as rules or campaigns). The following table shows which views are available:

List view Description Properties shown
Browse Personalization Resources Show only artifacts created by Personalization. For example, rules, campaigns, resource collections. Name
Last Modified
Node Type
Browse Rules (tree) Show only Personalization rules. This view will also show the type of each rule; for example, Select Action or Profiler. Name
Last Modified
Return Type
Rule Type
Campaigns Campaigns will be a specialized list view. In the action bar for the view, there will be a scope drop down. The scope drop down will allow the user to pick an execution scope. The campaigns from the scope context of that execution scope will be shown. When the scope setting is global as by default, there will be no drop down and all campaigns will be shown. As with all views, the Edit Mappings action will be available when a campaign is selected. Name
Start Date
End Date
Rule Mappings by Campaign This view is launched either by the drop down for selecting a view, or by the Edit Mappings action for a campaign. The view shows a list of mappings for a given campaign. Spot Name
Rule Name
Content Type
Start Date
End Date
Collections See all resource collections and application objects created under a collection. Collection Name
DB2Content Manager Runtime Edition
Collection Type
Events See all rule events on the system.  

In addition to navigation, the Personalization Navigator is where users control the repository content. Users can move, copy, import and delete elements, and create new elements. When users create a new element (by selecting New from the Personalization Navigator menu), they are automatically taken to the Personalization Editor.


Personalization Editor

This portlet is where users edit element content or information. Selecting a new element from the Personalization Navigator activates the edit mode, where users enter data, depending on the element chosen. To edit an existing element, users highlight the item in the Personalization Navigator. They return to the Personalization Editor and click Edit on the Edit item tab.


Personalized List

The Personalized List portlet allows a user to display personalized content without having to build a custom JSP portlet. Each portlet can display a list of resources and show details for each returned resource. Groups of related resources may be categorized for easy viewing. When a more detailed view of a piece of content is required, a custom detail JSP may be specified. Different instances of the portlet may be used across WebSphere Portal to and deploy customized information to users.