Sample Policy XML configuration files
Use these samples with the XML configuration interface as an alternative to the Resource Policies portlet and the policy editor that are available from the Access section of the Administration page of the work site. Exporting and importing policy XML files is useful when deploying policies on multiple servers and when staging a portal from development and test servers to a production server. The policy XML configuration samples allow us to extend policy definitions and to create or customize policy types and policy settings for portal resources. To work with the Policy Manager API, refer to the Javadoc information for the package in the directory...
Policy XML
Before you work with the XML configuration samples for policies, become familiar with the policy XML by examining an exported policy definition:
- Go to...
Administration | Access | Resource Policies
- From the list of policies, display the drop-down menu for the Mail policy and export its definition.
- Open the exported policy definition file in an XML editor.
- Examine the structure of the policy type and its elements:
- Node properties in the Policy branch of the content management repository
- Policy type properties
- Policy type editor
- Default policy rule for the policy type
- Policy settings: the collection of default policy value sets defined for the policy type
- Lower-level nodes for child policies.
When you use the XML configuration interface to work with policies, some limitations apply:
For more information about these limitations and how to circumvent them, refer to Problems when exporting or importing policies by using the XML configuration interface.
- Access control settings for policies are exported only for the main policy definition (the root policy node). Access control settings for child policy definitions (policy sub-nodes) are not exported.
- The policy sub-nodes are stored in a separate file. This file can be referenced by an XML script and that link can be exported. For more information, see Working with Mail policy XML
- The portal ReleaseBuilder does not support policies for portal resources.
Mail policy attributes
The Mail policy attributes that we need to understand when working with Mail policy definitions are described in the following table. Understanding the Path, PznType, and PathType attributes is critical to working successfully with Mail policy nodes below the main (root) policy. The Path attribute is a key parameter that we need to specify when running the XML configuration interface to export, update, or delete child policy definitions. The table includes examples that illustrate a hypothetical Mail policy hierarchy that consists of three levels of specialization under the main (root) Mail policy:
- USAMailChild1
Uses policy rule Rule 1 and policy condition USA.
- USAMailChild11
Uses policy rule Rule 2 and policy condition USAManager.
- USAMailChild111
Uses policy rule Rule 3 and policy condition USALocalityName
- JAPANMailChild1
Uses policy rule Rule 1 and policy condition JAPAN.
Attribute Data Type Description Example Values Type String The abstract data type of the policy PathType String The path of this policy's type node /
/Mail/USA/USAManager/USALocalityNameDescription String Text that describes the policy Policy manager for Common Mail portlet
Description for USAMailChild1
Description for USAMailChild11
Description for USAMailChild111
Description for JAPANMailChild1PznType String The condition for the policy rule. Policy conditions in Personalization are called profiles.
JAPANPznRule String The UUID of the policy rule associated with the policy and controlled by Personalization.
Policy rules in Personalization are called profilers.
The policy rule itself is not imported or exported because the PznRule attribute value refers to the policy rule by UUID.
0eb8a680410500d58 afe9b529b63e68c 614135004105075d8 b029b529b63e68c e0bb3980410509008 b049b529b63e68cEditor String The portlet that is the graphical user interface for editing the policy and its settings ibm.portal.PolicyEditorCPP Path String The location where the policy condition is stored in the content repository .
./JAPANTitle String The name of the policy
Work with Mail policy XML
When staging Mail policies from a development server to a production server, use the XML configuration interface to work with a Mail policy definition that has at least three levels of specialization. Then we can experiment with exporting and updating one or more policy levels and deleting any level of the policy definition. The following procedure uses examples that relate to the example values provided in the table of the previous topic Mail policy attributes.
- For the export and update actions, the required parameters are Label, Type, and Path.
- For the delete action, the required parameters are Type and Path. Do not use the Label parameter. Do not delete the Mail policy root node.
- You do not need to specify a value for the Path attribute if you are working at the root policy level.
- You must specify the correct Path value if you are working with any policy level below the root.
Before you run the XML configuration interface, create a hierarchy of Mail policies using the Resource Policies portlet. From the Administration menu, expand the Access section and click Resource Policies to display the Policy Types. Refine the main Mail policy by creating three levels of child policies. The examples used in the following procedure refer to USAMailChild1, USAMailChild11, and USAMailChild111.
- Use the XML configuration interface export command to create the Mail policy definition for the entire Mail node of the policy branch of the content repository that you will import on the target production server. In the following example, the Mail policy definition is exported to the file Mail.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="export" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="export" label="Mail" type="Mail"> <url>file:///d:/temp/Mail.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
- Review the exported policy list in the file Mail.xml to see the key attributes and values of the main (root) policy, its child policies, and the lower-level specializations of child policies. For example, a policy list might contain two peer policies, USAMailChild1 and JAPANMailChild1. The policy USAMailChild1 might be refined by USAMailChild11, which might be refined further by USAMailChild111. If the policy JAPANMailChild1 is not specialized; it has no child policies.
- Modify the main policy definition or any level of child policy definition by editing the attribute values as needed.
- Use Personalization to create and associate a policy rule for each child policy in the hierarchy of Mail.xml on the source development server and on the target production server.
- Use Personalization to create and associate a policy condition for each policy rule on the source development server and on the target production server.
Steps 4 and 5 are important because the XML configuration interface for policies does not process policy rules and their conditional expressions. The policy rule attribute (PznRule) value in a policy definition is the UUID referring to the associated rule and not the rule itself. Using Personalization explicitly create and associate policy rules (PznRule) and policy conditions (PznType) for the policy definitions that you export, update, or delete using the XML configuration interface.
- Use the XML configuration interface update command to import the Mail policy definition for the entire Mail node of the policy branch of the content repository. In the following example, the Mail policy definition is imported from the file Mail.xml.
<!-- ACTION: create or update the whole Policy --> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="update" label="Mail" type="Mail"> <url>file:///D:/Mail/Mail.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
- Use the XML configuration interface update command to import one or more levels of child policies.
The following example illustrates an update of the child policy USAMailChild1. This update action imports USAMailChild1 and the child policies USAMailChild11 and USAMailChild111. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild1 policy uses, namely./USA.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- ACTION: create or update first-level child Policy --> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="update" label="Mail" type="Mail" path="./USA"> <url>file:///d:/Mail/USAMailChild11.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>The following example illustrates an update of the child policy USAMailChild11. This update action imports USAMailChild11 and the child policy USAMailChild111. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild11 policy uses, namely./USA/USAManager.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="update" label="Mail" type="Mail" path="./USA/USAManager"> <url>file:///d:/Mail/USAMailChild111.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
- Use the XML configuration interface export command to export one or more levels of the policy hierarchy.
The following example illustrates exporting the child policy USAMailChild11 and its child policy USAMailChild111. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild11 policy uses, namely./USA/USAManager.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="export" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="export" label="Mail" type="Mail" path="./USA/USAManager"> <url>file:///d:/Mail/USAMailChild11.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>The following example illustrates exporting the child policy USAMailChild111. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild111 policy uses, namely./USA/USAManager/USALocalityName.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="export" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="export" label="Mail" type="Mail" path="./USA/USAManager/USALocalityName"> <url>file:///d:/Mail/USAMailChild111.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
- Use the XML configuration interface delete command to delete one or more levels of the policy hierarchy.
The delete command acts on the policy level you have specified and all levels under it.
The following example illustrates the deletion of the child policy USAMailChild11 and its child policy USAMailChild111. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild11 policy uses, namely./USA/USAManager.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="delete" type="Mail" path="./USA/USAManager"> </policy-node> </portal> </request>The following example illustrates the deletion of the child policy USAMailChild111 only. Note that the Path value is the location in the content repository of the policy condition that the USAMailChild111 policy uses, namely./USA/USAManager/USALocalityName.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="delete" type="Mail" path="./USA/USAManager/USALocalityName"> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
Sample file createPolicyResourceType.xml
This sample defines the policy type for a portal resource type. Review this sample to see how the name/value pairs of policy attributes are set.
Do not edit this XML sample. Do not attempt to use this XML sample with the XML configuration interface. This XML sample is provided for reference only.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xmlns:xsi="" type="update" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd"> <portal action="locate"> <!-- Update Resource Types for POLICY_ROOT in the release domain --> <resource-type action="update" domain="rel" name="POLICY_ROOT"> <inherits-from-type name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set" /> <inherits-from-type name="POLICY" update="set" /> <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set"/> <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT_REPOSITORY" update="set"/> </resource-type> <!-- Update Resource Types for POLICY in the release domain --> <resource-type action="update" domain="rel" name="POLICY"> <inherits-from-type name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set" /> <inherits-from-type name="POLICY" update="set" /> <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set"/> <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT_REPOSITORY" update="set"/> </resource-type> </portal> </request>
Sample file createMailNode.xml
This sample imports the createMailNode.xml file and creates the Mail root policy. If the deployed portal does not have a main (root) policy for Mail, we can create the main Mail policy type using this sample, which is located in portal_server_root/config/work.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="update" label="Mail" type="Mail" path=""> <url>file:///@WpsInstallLocation@/config/work/createRootMailNode.xml </url> <access-control externalized="false" owner="@PortalAdminId@" private="false"> <!-- The user role should not automatically propagate to mail policy --> <role-block type="inheritance" actionset="User"/> <!-- add back user role for all-authenticated --> <role actionset="User" update="set"> <mapping subjectid="all authenticated portal users" subjecttype="user_group" update="set"/> </role> <role actionset="Administrator" update="set"> <mapping subjectid="@PortalAdminId@" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/> </role> <role actionset="Administrator" update="set"> <mapping subjectid="@PortalAdminGroupId@" subjecttype="USER_GROUP" update="set"/> </role> </access-control> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
Sample file createRootMailNode.xml
This sample defines the policy for the Common Mail portlet. This is the only policy currently defined in the policy list of this sample. The policy definition specifies the values for the collection of attributes that includes the policy path in the content repository, the policy type (Mail), the policy node in the parent-child hierarchy that supports policy specialization, the policy editor, policy rules, policy settings, and policy version. The policy settings in this sample specify the choices available in the Mail policy editor for working with mail messages and attachments. Review this sample to see how the name/value pairs of Mail policy attributes are set.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <policyList xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Policy.xsd"> <policy> <policyValue Name="Path" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Type" Factory=""> <value>mail</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="TypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Description" Factory=""> <value>Policy manager for the IBM Common Mail Portlet</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="DescriptionLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Title" Factory=""> <value>Mail</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="TitleLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Editor" Factory=""> <value>ibm.portal.PolicyEditorCPP</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="EditorLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="NameResKey" Factory=""> <value>ManagerResKey</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="NameResKeyLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznRule" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznRuleLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznType" Factory=""> <value>Mail</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznTypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="SendAttachment" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="SendAttachmentLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="ReceiveAttachment" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="ReceiveAttachmentLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="SaveMessages" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="SaveMessagesLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Remote" Factory=""> <value>Remote Manager</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="RemoteLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathType" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathTypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Version" Factory=""> <value>1.0</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="VersionLock" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> </policy> </policyList>
Sample file createWebPageNode.xml
This sample creates the Theme policy node for Web page theme policies. The Theme Policy Node does not appear in the Resource Policies portlet; it cannot be managed using the administration portlet or the policy editor. You work with Theme policies using the XML definition files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" create-oids="true" type="update" xmlns:xsi=""> <portal action="locate"> <policy-node action="update" label="WebPage" type="theme" path=""> <url>file:///@WpsInstallLocation@/config/work/createThemePolicyNode.xml</url> </policy-node> </portal> </request>
Sample file createThemePolicyNode.xml
This sample defines Theme policies that can be applied to portal Web pages. If we export and examine this sample file, you will see that the policy list includes the policy sub-nodes for the predefined Theme policies for portal Web pages:
- Theme Node
- Single Top Navigation Theme Policy
- Single Top Navigation Minimal Theme Policy
- Double Top Navigation Theme Policy
- Double Top Navigation Minimal Theme Policy
- Side Navigation Only Theme Policy
- Side Navigation Only Minimal Theme Policy
- No Theme Policy
- Federation Theme Policy
- Application Theme Policy
Only two policy sub-nodes are documented here. Compare the first policy definition, Theme Node, with the Double Top Navigation Theme Policy, to see how the name/value pairs of Theme policy attributes are set. Give particular attention to the Path attributes to understand how the policy path is specified relative to the nodes of the content repository tree. Review the complete sample in the exported file to see the additional Theme policy definitions for portal Web pages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <policyList xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Policy.xsd"> <policy> <policyValue Name="Path" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Type" Factory=""> <value>theme</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="TypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Description" Factory=""> <value>Description of theme node</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="DescriptionLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Title" Factory=""> <value>theme</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="TitleLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Editor" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="EditorLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="NameResKey" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="NameResKeyLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznRule" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznRuleLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznType" Factory=""> <value>theme</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznTypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Remote" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="RemoteLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathType" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathTypeLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenu" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenuLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTopNavigation" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTopNavigationLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenuActions" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenuActionsLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSelfCare" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSelfCareLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBreadCrumbTrail" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBreadCrumbTrailLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSearch" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSearchLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderToolBar" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderToolBarLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContentPalette" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContentPaletteLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPeoplePalette" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPeoplePaletteLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContextMenus" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContextMenusLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSideNavigation" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSideNavigationLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTaskBar" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTaskBarLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderFavorites" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderFavoritesLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderExtensions" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderExtensionsLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitleGraphic" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitleGraphicLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitle" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitleLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPortletFragmentIDAnchor" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPortletFragmentIDAnchorLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="breadCrumbMaxLevels" Factory=""> <value>5</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="breadCrumbMaxLevelsLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> `<policyValue Name="breadCrumbStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="breadCrumbStartLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStartLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStopLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStopLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationNumRows" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationNumRowsLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>2</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStartLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStopLevel" Factory=""> <value>2</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStopLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="sideNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>3</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="sideNavigationStartLevelLock" Factory=""> <value>false</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Version" Factory=""> <value>1.0</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="VersionLock" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> </policy> <policy> <policyValue Name="Path" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Type" Factory=""> <value>theme</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Description" Factory=""> <value>Double Top Navigation Theme Policy</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Title" Factory=""> <value>DoubleTopNav</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznRule" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PznType" Factory=""> <value>DoubleTopNav</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Remote" Factory=""> <value></value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="PathType" Factory=""> <value>/theme</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenu" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTopNavigation" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderMainMenuActions" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSelfCare" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBreadCrumbTrail" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSearch" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderToolBar" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContentPalette" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPeoplePalette" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderContextMenus" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderSideNavigation" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderTaskBar" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderFavorites" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderExtensions" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitleGraphic" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderBannerTitle" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="renderPortletFragmentIDAnchor" Factory=""> <value>true</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="breadCrumbMaxLevels" Factory=""> <value>5</value> </policyValue> `<policyValue Name="breadCrumbStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="rootNavigationStopLevel" Factory=""> <value>1</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationNumRows" Factory=""> <value>2</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>2</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="topNavigationStopLevel" Factory=""> <value>3</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="sideNavigationStartLevel" Factory=""> <value>4</value> </policyValue> <policyValue Name="Version" Factory=""> <value>1.0</value> </policyValue> </policy>
Parent Topic
Manage portal resources with policies
Related concepts
Stage to production
The XML configuration interface
Related reference
XML configuration interface: reference
Related information
Work with the XML configuration interface