
### The workspace name for rules engine.  (optional)
### Use this parameter if you have multiple lines of
### production sharing a JCR repository
### (shared JCR database domain)
### Each line of production may then have its own rules workspace
### each with different set of active rules, much like each line
### of production may have a different WPS configuration db domain.


### Exception handling          

### Runtime exception handling method
### Options include:
###       ignore
###   Exceptions are ignored.  Not supported in production environments.
###   Ignoring exceptions will give no diagnostic information in case of error.
###       logMessage_stdout
###       logMessage_stderr
###       logMessage_stdout_rethrow
###       logMessage_stderr_rethrow
###       logStackTrace_stdout
###       logStackTrace_stderr
###       logStackTrace_stdout_rethrow
###       logStackTrace_stderr_rethrow
###       logMessageAndStackTrace_stdout
###       logMessageAndStackTrace_stderr
###       logMessageAndStackTrace_stdout_rethrow
###       logMessageAndStackTrace_stderr_rethrow
###       rethrow_exception


### Specify what occurs when an object is not found by Personalization.
### This may occur when Personalization cannot find the current user or
### when an expected application object does not exist on the session or
### request at the expected key.
### When false, a null user (or any other null object) is not treated
### as an error but is instead only printed to the logs as a warning.
### Personalization will continue as if the requested attribute
### of the null object is itself null.
### For instance, if no user object is found, a rule such as...
###        'Show page or portlet when is null'
### ...would return 'show' if rulesEngine.throwObjectNotFoundException
### is false.  A null user is treated as if the is null.
### On the other hand, if 'rulesEngine.throwObjectNotFoundException' is
### true, this same rule would throw an exception if the user object was
### not found.
### If this rule was used to determine the visibility of a page or portlet,
### the ultimate result would depend upon the value of
### 'rulesEngine.visibilityDefault', which is 'hide' by default.


### Specify a class which is called following processing of the
### rule but prior to returning the results.

#rulesEngine.defaultRuleExit=<none specified>


### Cache control               

### Cache control settings
###    cache.enabled
### Globally specify whether cache is enabled or disabled.
###    cache.jndiName
### Globally specify a cache to use.
###    cache.maxEnumSize
### Globally specify the maximum number of entries in each
### cached enumeration.  Enumerations which exceed this number
### will not be cached.  -1 indicates no limit.
### Optionally, the above parameters may be configured for each
### resource collection.
###    cache.timeout
### Globally specify the cache timeout.
###    cache.priority
### Globally specify the cache priority.


### Caching is enabled for the default Portal Document Resource Collection
### (/.personalization/collections/ibmpzn:dmDocumentCollection)
### the Web Content collection
### (/.personalization/collections/ibmpzn:wcmWebContentCollection)
### and disabled for the Portal User collection
### (/.personalization/collections/ibmpzn:wpsUser)



### Scheduler / Rules events /E-mail campaigns

### Task configuration for rule events
###   interval
### Specify the amount of time (in seconds) between checking
### the repository for updates to rule events
### Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
### If this value is very short, it is possible that the scheduler will
### attempt to run before the server is finished starting.  In this case,
### an email campaign may be unable to get its body content.  This value
### should be sufficiently long to allow for the server start to complete.


### Configuration for Session for e-mail rules
###   jndiName
### Specify a jndi lookup name for the Mail Session.
### Configure your session using the WebSphere Application
### Server administrative console 



### Id Translator               

### Optional configuration for
### The default pattern of
###    ^.*(?:uid|UID|cn|CN)=([^,]+).*$
### and replacement pattern of
###    $1
### will turn a user id such as
###    uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization
### or
###    cn=wpsadmin,o=default organization
### into simply
###    wpsadmin


### Optional configuration for the port of the content
### server which serves the body of the e-mail messages.


### Portal User Collection      

### Use this configuration property to control which WMM properties show
### in the Personalization rule editor. will only
### hide those properties which are introspected from the WMM configuration.,pager,roomNumber,secretary,carLicense,telephoneNumber,facsimileTelephoneNumber,seeAlso,userPassword,ibm-firstWorkDayOfWeek,ibm-alternativeCalendar,ibm-preferredCalendar,ibm-firstDayOfWeek,ibm-primaryEmail,ibm-otherEmail,ibm-generationQualifier,labeledURI,createTimestamp,modifyTimestamp,ibm-middleName,ibm-timeZone,initials,jpegPhoto,WCM\:USERDATA

### Web Content Collection      

### Use this configuration property to control which WCM authoring
### templates show in the Personalization rule editor.
### The default is to show all authoring templates which have
### components which can be used in rules.


### Attribute Based Administration

### Use this property to configure the root directory for Portal
### administration visibility rules (ROOT=/)

### Default behavior if an error prevents a visibility rule from running (show/hide)


### Internal Use Only  ,ibmcontentwcm:textElement,ibmcontentwcm:numericElement,ibmcontentwcm:optionSelectionElement,jcr:versionHistory,jcr:nodeType,jcr:isCheckedOut\:collaborativeDocument=icm:categories,icm:expirationDate,icm:authors,icm:owners