Configure the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus QuickPlace
You run the IBM Lotus QuickPlace configuration task on the IBM WebSphere Portal server. Running the task allows the portal to recognize the presence of the Lotus QuickPlace server so that Lotus Collaborative Services can use the server for Lotus QuickPlace portlets.
WebSphere Portal (which includes Collaborative Services) must be installed before we can run this task.
You run the configuration task by entering commands at a command line on the portal server.
Commands are case sensitive.
During the instructions for this task, you will edit the file. Create a backup copy of this file before performing the following instructions.
For security reasons, you should not store passwords in the file. Edit the before running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, delete all passwords from the file.
For detailed information on working with property files, see Configuration properties reference.
Also during the instructions for this task, you will stop and start the portal server. The commands for stopping and starting the server are fully described in Starting and stopping WAS and WebSphere Portal.
Perform the following steps to run the configuration task:
- On the portal server, at a command line, change to the directory
- Stop the portal server.
The default name of the application server is the profile name.
- Locate the and files and make a backup copy of each before changing any values.
- Edit the appropriate configuration properties file and enter the appropriate values for the environment. Note the following:
- Do not change any settings other than those specified in these steps. For instructions on working with these files, see Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.
- Use / instead of \ for all platforms.
- Some values, shown in italics below, may need to be modified to the specific environment.
- Depending on which database domain has to be configured, dbdomain may need to be replaced by:
- release
- customization
- community
- jcr (DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition )
- wmm
- feedback
- likeminds
Section of file: Collaborative Services Properties
Property Value LCC.QuickPlace.Enabled The property that determines whether Lotus QuickPlace is enabled.
Setting LCC.QuickPlace.Enabled to true enables this component. Setting the value to false disables it.
Recommended Value: true
Default Value: false
LCC.QuickPlace.Server The name of the Lotus QuickPlace server.
Recommended Value:
Default Value:
LCC.QuickPlace.Protocol The protocol used to connect to the Lotus QuickPlace server.
Recommended Value: http
Default Value: http
LCC.QuickPlace.Port The port number for the Lotus QuickPlace server.
Recommended Value: 80
Default Value: 80
i5/OS Section of file: Database configuration Properties
Property Value dbdomain.DbUser The user ID for the database administrator.
- For SQL Server and non-wmm databases only, unless you are the system administrator, the values for dbdomain.DbUser and dbdomain.DbSchema must be the same.
- For Oracle and SQL Server servers, this value must be set to FEEDBACK, which corresponds to the user FEEDBACK in the database. If the user you are using is an administrative user that has authority over the FEEDBACK schema, the administrative user should be entered for the dbdomain.DbUser property.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
- Release: db2admin
- Community: db2admin
- Customization: db2admin
- JCR: db2admin
- WMM: db2admin
- Feedback: db2admin
- LikeMinds: db2admin
Recommended: wpsdbusr (for databases other than DB2 )
dbdomain.DbPassword The password for the database administrator.
A value must be set for this property; it cannot be empty.
- Save the file.
- Change to the portal_server_root /config directory and enter:
WPSconfig.[sh|bat] lcc-configure-quickplace -DDBPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password
- Check the output for any error messages. If you encounter an error, check the appropriate logs file for more information.
- Start the portal server.
If you intend to use Lotus Domino Directory as the LDAP server for the portal, also complete the steps in Checklist of tasks: LDAP server for Lotus Collaborative Services.
The task lcc-configure-quickplace is specific for configuring Collaborative Services to use Lotus QuickPlace only. It is possible to change and save other Collaborative Services values in, and then run the configuration task...
./ configure multiple Domino and Extended Products servers at once.
Parent Topic
Checklist of tasks: Lotus QuickPlace server and portlets
Next topic:
Configuring the list of servers for the Inline QuickPlace portlet
Related concepts
WebSphere Portal logs