Configure the Lotus QuickPlace server for Web Conferencing for Inline QuickPlace



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Configure the QuickPlace server to use the files copied from the Sametime server for Web Conferencing in the Inline QuickPlace portlet.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the NOTES.INI setting that begins with JavaUserClassesExt and append the following information to that line:


  2. Add the following three lines to the end of that section of settings:

  3. Check the resulting section to make sure it looks like this:

    QPJC1=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\quickplace.jar QPJC2=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\xercesImpl.jar QPJC3=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\xalan.jar QPJC4=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\xml-apis.jar QPJC5=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\log4j-118compat.jar QPJC6=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\data\domino\java\cs.jar QPJC7=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\ibmjsse.jar QPJC8=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\STCore.jar QPJC9=C:\LOTUS\DOMINO\STMtgManagement.jar 

  4. In the Domino Data directory, make a copy of the qpconfig_sample.xml file and name it qpconfig.xml.

  5. Open the qpconfig.xml file and go to the <sametime> section. Within the <credentials> element, add the name and password of the user you created while configuring the Lotus Sametime server for Web Conferencing. More detailed information on the XML is provided in qpconfig_sample.xml.

    <sametime local_users="false" ldap="true"> 
    <meetings invite_servers="false">
    <tools> <audio enabled="true"/> 
    <video enabled="true"/> 
    <dn>cn=John Doe/o=Enterprise</dn> 

    The <local_users> attribute should be false. IBM Lotus Team Workplace (Sametime) 6.5.1 does not support local users using Lotus Sametime.


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Setting up Web Conferencing for Inline QuickPlace


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Configuring the Lotus Sametime server for Web Conferencing in Inline QuickPlace