Enable access to the remote portlet from the Consumer



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Give users access to a remote Common Mail or Common Calendar portlet.

This procedure requires that both the producer and consumer servers are WebSphere Portal servers.

  1. Perform the following steps to specify the producer server:

    1. On the Consumer server, log in as portal administrator, then click...

      Administration | Portlet Management | Web Services | New Producer

      Type the Producer server's name in the Title field, and type this line in the URL to WSDL service definitions field:


    2. Click I want to specify the user attributes that should be passed to this Producer.

    3. Select these fields:

    4. Click OK twice.

  2. Perform the following steps to consume the remote portlet:

    1. Click Web Modules.

    2. Click Consume, then click the name of the Producer server.

    3. Find and select the remote portlet you created on the Producer server (for example, Remote Mail) in the portlet list, then click OK.

  3. Perform the following steps to set access to the remote portlet:

    1. Click...

      Access | User and Group Permissions | User Groups | All Authenticated Portal Users (pencil icon) | Portlets

    2. Find the remote portlet in the resources list, click its key icon, select Privileged User, and then click OK.

  4. To add the portlet to the desired page(s) on the remote server, follow the instructions for adding portlets in Edit layout and content under Customizing pages.


Parent Topic

Set up the Common PIM portlets as remote portlets


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Set up the WSRP Consumer