Application template properties



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Use the Properties portlet to view and edit the properties of a template that defines composite applications.

Properties specify the values of elements that define an application template:

  • name
  • category
  • description
  • theme
  • owner
  • creation date and time
  • revision date and time

From the drop-down menu of an application template that is listed in the Application Template Library, click...

Edit Template Properties display the properties of an application template. We can edit all template properties except the theme, theme policy, the creation date and time, and the revision date and time. The template name and description are self-explanatory; the other properties require special consideration.



The category specified by the template determines the application catalog in which new composite applications created from the template will appear. We can select an existing category or create a new one.

Changing the category of a template or creating a new category does not affect the content of the template or the content of existing applications that apply the template. However, if you create a new application category, create a new application catalog to list all applications belonging to this new category and a page to contain the new application catalog portlet.

Tip: For simplicity, use nouns or noun phrases for new category names.



The theme defines the...

  • navigation
  • appearance
  • layout

...of the pages of the application template, including fonts, colors, and images. Each application template uses the default value...

Inherit Parent Theme

Each application page can also have a theme specified for it.

We cannot edit the theme in the Template Properties portlet.

To set the theme for all top-level pages of an application template...

  1. From the main menu click...

    Templates | Template Library | application_template | Edit Template Layout

  2. For a selected page, click the Edit Page Properties icon to see the specified theme. If other themes are listed, we can choose a different theme for the application template page.



The owner is the name of the user who created the application template. If you are the owner of an application template, we can delegate ownership of the template to another user using the Resource Permissions portlet.

From the drop-down menu of the application template, click...

Assign Template Permissions

to display the Resource Permissions portlet, the Roles view. Verify the individual users and user groups who are assigned the role types...


Parent Topic

Work with application templates