Transform-Rename Builder
In this topic ...
Use this Builder to modify a schema by renaming an element in a schema typed XML variable. This Builder also allows you to save the modified schema to original the schema.
When invoked, this Builder will rename all instances of the specified element in the source variable. If a target variable is specified, the new XML will be assigned to the target variable. If not specified, or if the source variable is also specified as the target variable, the new value will be assigned to the source variable.
How do I...
Change the name of a schema element
Place a Transform-Rename Builder in a model that contains the schema typed variable you want to modify. In the Builder's editor select the variable.
The Element to Rename picker is populated with elements from the schema associated with the specified variable. Pick the desired schema element.
Specify the new element name in the "New Element Name" input.
Once the Builder is applied and saved, a new method called <builderName>CallRename will be available in the WebApp.
Use a Method Call Builder or some other means to call this method at the desired time and perform renaming.
Specifying Inputs
This Builder takes the inputs described in the table below. For help on inputs common to many or all Builders such as those in the Properties input group, see "Using the Builder Call Editor"
Input Name Description Name Enter a name for this Builder call. The Designer displays this name in the Builder Call List. Variable Specify a variable to sort. The variable type must be either schema- typed XML or Object.
Element to rename The element to rename. New Element Name The new name to use for the selected element Target Variable (Optional) Enter the name of a variable to assign the result to. If not specified, the result will be assigned to the original variable
Objects this Builder Creates
- <builderName>CallRename - Call this method to invoke renaming of specified schema element.