SAP Properties Builder
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Use this Builder to set SAP connection properties. The properties you establish in this Builder can be shared by all other SAP Builders that use properties (SAP batch, SAP Function Call, SAP View and Form). In addition, the properties set in this Builder can apply across multiple SAP servers in a cluster, as well as to a single-server environment.
When you use this Builder to set properties, we can leave blank the "Property File" input on other SAP Builders, since these other Builders will look to this Builder for connection property information. The order of SAP property resolution for all SAP Builders that require properties is as follows:
Use properties set in the "Advanced" sections of SAP Batch, SAP Function Call and SAP View and Form Builder editor.
Look for connection properties supplied by an SAP Properties Builder.
- Locate the SAP Properties file specified in the SAP Builder input.
Since other SAP Builders use information contained in this Builder, this Builder must be placed before those other SAP Builders in the Builder Call List.
Specifying Inputs
The SAP Help Values Builder takes the inputs described in the table below. For help on inputs common to many or all Builders such as those in the Properties and HTML Attributes input groups, see "Using the Builder Call Editor."
Input Name Description Name Enter a name for this Builder call. The Designer displays this name in the Builder Call List. In the case of this Builder, the name you enter here will also be the name of the SAP method used to fetch help values.
Default Connection File Enter the name of the properties file to be used to establish SAP host server information. This file will be used as a default for any SAP Builder which left this value blank. Example:
This file must be located in the WEB-INF/config/sap_config directory.
Connection Properties Connection Properties Use this table to set various SAP connection properties. We can specify the following connection properties:
- jco.client.client - SAP client
- jco.client.user - Valid SAP user name
- jco.client.passwd - Password associated with user name
- jco.client.lang - Language (EN, etc.)
- jco.client.sysnr - SAP system number
- jco.client.ashost - SAP application server
- jco.client.mshost - SAP message server
- jco.client.gwhost - Gateway service
- jco.client.gwserv - gateway host
Refer to your SAP documentation for more information about these connection properties.
Test Connection Button Press this button to test the connection to the SAP host server. If the connection is successful, a connection confirmation dialog is displayed.