Dojo Tooltip Builder
The Dojo Tooltip Builder allows the application to display a popup text box when the user's mouse hovers over a specified target on a page. The tooltip text can be a simple caption string, or an entire page in your model.
Using the Dojo Tooltip Builder
- Create a model that contains a page that you want to add the tooltip functionality to.
- Add the Dojo Tooltip Builder to your model.
- Point the builder at a page location where you wish to place the tooltip.
For example if your page containes the following, then select the "tipTag" as the page location:
This <span name="tipTag" style="color: blue;">example</span> uses a simple text string as the tooltip.
- Provide the desired text for the tooltip caption. For example: "This is my first tooltip"
- Run the model and hover your mouse over the target area (The word "example" in this example). You should see your tooltip text popup over the target area.
- Move your mouse outside the target area and the tooltip will close.
Specifying inputs
This builder takes the inputs described in the table below. For help on inputs common to many or all builders such as those in the Properties and HTML Attributes input groups, see Using the Builder Call Editor.
Input name Description Name Enter a name for this builder call. The designer tool displays this name in the builder call list. Page Location Use this input to specify the page location of an existing page element to associate the tooltip with. This is a required input. Tooltip Type Use this radio button input to select one of the two Tooltip types. Choose "Text" if you want the text for the tool tip to be a simple string value. Choose "Action" if you want the text for the tooltip to be fetched by the client from an action in your model. If the specified action does a process page then the entire page content will be used as the tooltip otherwise the action must return the text to display. Tooltip Text This input is only visible when the "Tooltip Type" is set to "Text". Use this input to specify the text to display when the Tooltip is active. Tooltip Action This input is only visible when the "Tooltip Type" is set to "Action". Use this input to specify an action in your model that will either process a page, or return a String. This is required if the "Tooltip Type" is set to "Action". Note that If a page is being displayed as the Tooltip source it must not contain any navigation controls.
Input Mappings This input is only visible when the "Tooltip Type" is set to "Action". We can use this input to optionally pass arguments to the specified action by adding the argument names and the values to be passed to it. Use the Reference Chooser to specify input values or values returned by methods or service calls as the value to be passed to an argument for the specified action. For example:
- Name:
- Value: