Applet Builder


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Quick Tips

Specifying Inputs

Use this builder to call a Java applet from within a model. The applet called will be downloaded, executed, and then displayed within the current page. You might want to use an applet to support client-side processing within a Web application. The Applet Builder creates <Applet> and <Param> tags that refer to, and pass parameters to, the applet class you specify.

The code snippet below shows the code that was added to a page for a particular Applet builder call.

<APPLET name="myApplet" code="myClass.class"

    codebase="http://myServer/applets/myAppletDirectory" >
<param name="text" value="Hello World">


Quick Tips

  • Applet Functionality - Make sure the applet can be run in a browser before adding it to model with the Applet builder.


Specifying Inputs

The Applet builder takes the inputs described in the table below. For help on inputs common to many or all builders such as those in the Properties and HTML Attributes input groups, see "Using the Builder Call Editor"

Input Name Description
Name Enter a name for this builder call. The Designer displays this name in the Builder Call List.
PageLocation Use the Page Location input to specify the page or pages on which this builder call will act.

See "Locating Control Builders on Pages" for detailed documentation about the Page Location input and page location syntax.

Java Applet Class Specify the class name of the applet - this sets the applet's "code" attribute.

This entry can be a simple class name or a fully qualified package name.

For example:

To specify a simple class: MyClock

To specify a package: time.clock.MyClock

Base URL for Code Specify the URL at which the applet class files can be found - this sets the applet's "codebase" attribute.

This attribute points to a directory containing the class defined by the "Code" attribute.

For example:

Width Enter the width in pixels of the Applet display region.
Height Enter the height in pixels of the Applet display region.
Parameters Enter any Name/value pairs of applet parameters - this sets the applet's "Param" tag.

Use these entries to pass to the applet any parameters required. Note that any Name/Value parameters entered here must exactly match the parameters the applet is expecting to see (spelling, case, etc.)

For example:

Name: archive

Value: MyAppletClasses.jar