Configure WebSEAL
We will configure a WebSEAL junction from the WebSEAL Server to the Web server. The step will be performed on the WebSEAL machine.
- On the WebSEAL machine, use the pdadmin command line to create a WebSEAL junction.
server task default-webSEAL-<hostname> create -t ssl -h <webserver_host> -p <SSL_port> -j -b supply -c all -f /ssl1For TCP junctions use tcp instead of ssl.
In our scenario we ran the command as follows:
pdadmin sec_master> server task default-webseald-m23vnx61 create -t ssl -h bc2srv2 -p 80 -j -b supply -c all -f /wastcp- Edit webseald.conf to configure the dummy password that will be passed in the HTTP Header and for Forms authentication. Open the file at...
<Access_Manager_install_root>/PDWeb/etc/webseald-default.conf- In the [junction] stanza, change the basic-auth-dummy-password to the user password of the taiuser as shown:
basicauth-dummy-passwd = taiuser1- In the [forms] stanza, enable WebSEAL authentication using forms. If you would like to use only SSL junction then set the forms-auth to https.
forms-auth = https- Because you are using forms-based authentication and not basic authentication, change the ba-auth from https to none:
ba-auth = none- Restart the WebSEAL server, Policy Server and the Authorization Server.