J2EE application client
A J2EE application client operates in a similar fashion to a J2EE server-based application. It makes use of the RMI-IIOP protocol and of CORBA services that are provided by the J2EE platform. This enables the J2EE application client to access to both EJB and CORBA object references. The J2EE platform allows the J2EE application client to use the JNDI names, defined in the deployment descriptor, to access the EJBs or other resources (JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, etc.).
The ItsohelloJ2EEClient.jar (wrapped in ItsohelloEAR.ear application) provided with this book has four J2EE application clients which request services to enterprise beans operating in a remote EJB container. The first two clients will be discussed in this section. The other two clients, which use JAAS APIs for the programmatic login, are discussed in the .
The J2EE client application depends on the Application Client runtime to configure its execution runtime. The launchClient command (<WebSphere_home>\bin\launchClient.bat) can be used to start and configure the J2EE application client environment by examining the application client's descriptor (application-client.xml). Access to the EJB jar file that contains the EJB's home interfaces, and access to the client's class file should be referenced in the client's MANIFEST.MF file.
Example 8-2 Client MANIFEST.MF which shows access to the main class file com.ibm.itsohello.j2eeclient.J2EEclient using EJB jar file ItsohelloEJB.jar
Manifest-Version: 1.0Class-Path: ItsohelloEJB.jarMain-Class: com.ibm.itsohello.j2eeclient.J2EEClient