Define the MQ link (optional)

Note: An MQ link is only required if the sample application will be connected to a WebSphere MQ server via a foreign Service Integration Bus definition.

The steps to define an MQ Link are detailed in Define the MQ link. Use those steps to define an MQ Link on the TEST_LOCAL_SIBUS to connect the application server to the WebSphere MQ queue manager using the following properties.

Table A-3

Field Value
Foreign bus name TEST_FOREIGN_SIBUS
Queue manager name QM_EMBEDDED
Sender MQ channel name FROM_QM_EMBEDDED
Hostname Hostname of MQ server
Port Port that MQ is listening on. Default is 1414.
Transport chain OutboundBasicMQLink (if not using SSL) OutboundSecureMQLink (if using SSL)
Receiver MQ channel name TO_QM_EMBEDDED

MQ link properties

Note: Channel names, hostname, port, and Transport chain all depend on values that you will need to work with the MQ administrator to get.

The sender channel name must be the name of a Receiver channel on the MQ server. If the channel is SSL enabled on the MQ server then Transport chain should be set to OutboundSecureMQLink, otherwise use OutboundBasicMQLink.

The receiver channel name must match the name of a Sender channel on the MQ server.




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