Bus destination

A destination is a location within the Service Integration Bus that applications send messages to or receive messages from. Destinations can be either permanent or temporary. Temporary destinations are used for the application's session only. Destinations are either local to the Service Integration Bus or located on another bus. The main types of destinations are:

Queue - Used for point to point messaging.

Topic Space - Used for publish subscribe based messaging.

Alias - An alternate name that can be used in place of the name of another destination. The actual destination that the alias maps to can either be on the local bus or a foreign bus.

Foreign - Used to identify a destination on another bus. This allows the application to access the destination on the foreign bus.

Note: An application can only receive messages from a destination on the bus to which it is connected. An application that subscribes to a local topic space can receive messages from a foreign topic space if topic space names have been mapped between the buses.