# This program may be used, executed, copied, modified and distributed # without royalty for the purpose of developing, using, marketing, or distribution #----------------------------------------------------------------- # addapp3.jacl - Jacl implementation of example script 13 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # # The purpose of this example is to show a potentially useful # sequence of common actions using the scripting client wsadmin. # # This example will list all Enterprise applications installed on a specific app server. # For each Enterprise Application, it will display which Web and EJB modules are # installed on the target server, and which are not. # # In the case of an nd environment, we need to pass in an additional argument # for the node name # # This is a bi-modal script: it can be included in the wsadmin # command invocation like this: # wsadmin -f addapp3.jacl serverX (in base environment) # wsadmin -f addapp3.jacl serverX nodeX (in nd environment) # # or the script can be sourced from the wsadmin command line: # wsadmin> source addapp3.jacl # wsadmin> addapp3 serverX or # wsadmin> addapp3 serverX nodeX # # The script expects one parameter for base environment and # two parameters for the nd environment # arg1 - serverName # arg2 - nodeName # # ServerName is the name of the appserver as it would appear # on the administrative web page # # In the case of a Network Deployment configuration, there may be multiple application # servers with the same name on different nodes, so nodeName is to identity which node # hosts the target server. # # The script may be launched from any node in the Network Deployment configuration, # as long as the deployment manager is running. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # setup global list set webList {} set ejbList {} proc addapp3 {serverName} { #-------------------------------------------------------------- # set up globals variables #-------------------------------------------------------------- global AdminConfig global AdminApp global webList global ejbList # get all the Deployment set deployments [$AdminConfig list Deployment] # iterate to all the Deployment foreach deployment $deployments { # reset the list on each application set webList {} set ejbList {} # get the application name set appName [lindex [split $deployment (] 0] # get the deployedObjects set depObject [$AdminConfig showAttribute $deployment deployedObject] # get all modules in the application set modules [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $depObject modules] 0] set modServerCash {} set modServerMoreCash {} set modServerNotCash {} foreach module $modules { set sameServer "false" set diffServer "false" # get the targetMappings set targetMaps [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module targetMappings] 0] foreach targetMap $targetMaps { # get the target set target [$AdminConfig showAttribute $targetMap target] # filter to find the matching app server # the trim \" is to take care if the config id start with " so the when doing # the split will get "server1 instead, so need to trim it first otherwise it # will failed when doing the compare set sName [string trim [lindex [split $target (] 0] \"] if {$sName == $serverName} { set sameServer "true" #set modServerCash [linsert $modServerCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } else { set diffServer "true" #set modServerNotCash [linsert $modServerNotCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } if {$sameServer == "true" && $diffServer == "true"} { break } } if {$sameServer == "true"} { if {$diffServer == "true"} { set modServerMoreCash [linsert $modServerMoreCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } else { set modServerCash [linsert $modServerCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } } else { set modServerNotCash [linsert $modServerNotCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } } #print app name if {$modServerCash != {} || $modServerMoreCash != {}} { puts stdout "\tApplication name: $appName" } #print out the result if {$modServerCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerCash "+" } if {$modServerMoreCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerMoreCash "*" } if {($modServerCash != {} || $modServerMoreCash != {}) && $modServerNotCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerNotCash "" } } } proc addapp3 {serverName nodeName} { #-------------------------------------------------------------- # set up globals variables #-------------------------------------------------------------- global AdminConfig global AdminApp global webList global ejbList # get all the Deployment set deployments [$AdminConfig list Deployment] # iterate to all the Deployment foreach deployment $deployments { # reset the list on each application set webList {} set ejbList {} # get the application name set appName [lindex [split $deployment (] 0] # get the deployedObjects set depObject [$AdminConfig showAttribute $deployment deployedObject] # get all modules in the application set modules [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $depObject modules] 0] set modServerCash {} set modServerMoreCash {} set modServerNotCash {} foreach module $modules { set sameNodeSameServer "false" set diffNodeSameServer "false" set sameNodeDiffServer "false" set diffNodeDiffServer "false" # get the targetMappings set targetMaps [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module targetMappings] 0] foreach targetMap $targetMaps { # get the target set target [$AdminConfig showAttribute $targetMap target] # do some filtering to make sure it will not get the ClusteredTarget but just ServerTarget set targetName [lindex [split $target #] 1] if {[regexp "ClusteredTarget" $targetName] != 1} { set sName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $target name] set nName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $target nodeName] if {$sName == $serverName} { if {$nName == $nodeName} { set sameNodeSameServer "true" } else { set diffNodeSameServer "true" } } else { if {$nName == $nodeName} { set sameNodeDiffServer "true" } else { set diffNodeDiffServer "true" } } if {$sameNodeSameServer == "true"} { if {$sameNodeDiffServer == "true" || $diffNodeDiffServer == "true" || $diffNodeSameServer == "true"} { break } } } } if {$sameNodeSameServer == "true"} { if {$diffNodeDiffServer == "true" || $diffNodeSameServer == "true" || $sameNodeDiffServer == "true"} { set modServerMoreCash [linsert $modServerMoreCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } else { set modServerCash [linsert $modServerCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } } else { set modServerNotCash [linsert $modServerNotCash end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]] } } #print app name if {$modServerCash != {} || $modServerMoreCash != {}} { puts stdout "\tApplication name: $appName" } # do grouping to appropriate module and print if {$modServerCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerCash "+" } if {$modServerMoreCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerMoreCash "*" } if {($modServerCash != {} || $modServerMoreCash != {}) && $modServerNotCash != {}} { filterAndPrint $modServerNotCash "" } } } proc filterAndPrint {lists flag} { global webList global ejbList set webExists "false" set ejbExists "false" # check if list exists already then mark it, this is to not print the title more then once # and reset the list if {$webList != {}} { set webExists "true" set webList {} } if {$ejbList != {}} { set ejbExists "true" set ejbList {} } # do some filtering for web modules and ejb modules foreach list $lists { set temp [lindex [split $list .] 1] if {$temp == "war"} { set webList [linsert $webList end $list] } elseif {$temp == "jar"} { set ejbList [linsert $ejbList end $list] } } # sort the list before printing set webList [lsort -dictionary $webList] set ejbList [lsort -dictionary $ejbList] #print out all the web modules install in serverX if {$webList != {}} { if {$webExists == "false"} { puts stdout "\t\tWeb Modules:" } foreach web $webList { puts stdout "\t\t\t$web $flag" } } # print out all the ejb modules install in serverX if {$ejbList != {}} { if {$ejbExists == "false"} { puts stdout "\t\tEJB Modules:" } foreach ejb $ejbList { puts stdout "\t\t\t$ejb $flag" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Main #----------------------------------------------------------------- if {($argc < 1) } { puts "addapp3: this script requires at least one parameter: server name" puts "addapp3: in nd environment the script require two parameters: server name, node name" puts "e.g.: addapp3 serverX" puts "e.g.: addapp3 serverX nodeX" } elseif {$argc == 1} { # do some checking set nd [$AdminControl queryNames type=Server,process=dmgr,*] if {[llength $nd] != 0} { puts stdout "You are running this script in nd environment, please provide node name" puts stdout "e.g.: addapp3 serverX nodeX" } else { set serverName [lindex $argv 0] puts stdout "\nThe following list of all applications installed on $serverName:" puts stdout "(Including list of all modules for each application)" puts stdout "NOTE:" puts stdout "\t* means that the module is installed on $serverName and other server" puts stdout "\t+ means that the module is installed on $serverName only" puts stdout "\t means that the module is not installed on $serverName" puts stdout "\n[string toupper $serverName]" addapp3 $serverName } } else { set serverName [lindex $argv 0] set nodeName [lindex $argv 1] puts stdout "\nThe following list of all applications installed on $serverName node $nodeName:" puts stdout "(Including list of all modules for each application)" puts stdout "NOTE:" puts stdout "\t* means that the module is installed on $serverName node $nodeName and other node and/or server" puts stdout "\t+ means that the module is installed on $serverName node $nodeName only" puts stdout "\t means that the module is not installed on $serverName node $nodeName" puts stdout "\n[string toupper $serverName] on node [string toupper $nodeName]" addapp3 $serverName $nodeName }