### ex9.jacl 
###  Create JDBCProvider, DataSource, and CMPConnectorFactory objects.
###  Example invocation:
###     wsadmin -f ex9.jacl 
###                nodename 
###                "DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)" 
###                $SQLLIB/java/db2java.jar 
###                datasource 
###                connectionfactory 
###                DBName
###  Parameters:
###    Node name
###    Template name for JDBCProvider 
###    Fully-qualified path to the driver
###    JDBC provider name 
###    Datasource name 
###    CMP Connection factory name 
###    Database name 

proc ex9 {nodeName templateName driverPath jdbcname dsname cfname dbname } 
  ### set up globals

  global AdminConfig

  set CONT_ALIAS                 "hostManager/DB2Alias" 
  set DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL_MAPPING  DefaultPrincipalMapping

  ### Get the config id for a JDBC Template
  ### Use "lindex" in case there is more than one matching templates 
  ### we just get the first one. 

  puts "Getting the JDBCProvider template whose name is $templateName" 

  set template [lindex [$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider $templateName] 0]
  if {[llength $template] == 0} 
     puts "Could not find a JDBCProvider template using $templateName"

  ### Get the config id for the node 

  puts "Getting the confid id for node $nodeName" 

  set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/]
  if {[llength $node] == 0} 
     puts "Could not find node $nodeName" 

  ### Create a new JDBCProvider using template 

  puts "Create a new JDBCProvider object named $jdbcname" 

  set classpath_attr [list classpath $driverPath]
  set name_attr      [list name $jdbcname]
  set attrs          [list $name_attr $classpath_attr]
  set new1           [$AdminConfig createUsingTemplate JDBCProvider $node  $attrs $template]

  ### For this example, we do not need the WAS40DataSource object, but
  ### we do want to modify the DataSource object. 
  ### Note that the template for this JDBCProvider does not give
  ### names to the WAS40DataSource and DataSource objects associated with
  ### it.  We can use "getid" to retrieve ids for objects that do not have
  ### names as shown below.

  puts "Remove the WAS40DataSource object created via the template"

  set was40ds [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:$jdbcname/WAS40DataSource:/]
  $AdminConfig remove $was40ds
  ### Modify the DataSource - give it a name and a jndiName, and remove 
  ### existing properties created by the template
  ### A collection of objects (such as the resourceProperties attribute of the
  ### propertySet attribute) can only be added to.  To completely replace
  ### the collection we need to delete the old one first.
  puts "Modify the datasource object -- name, jndiName; remove old properties."
  set ds [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:$jdbcname/DataSource:/]
  set name_attr     [list name $dsname]
  set jndiName_attr [list jndiName jdbc/$dsname]
  set ps_attr       [list propertySet {}]
  set attrs [list $name_attr $jndiName_attr $ps_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $ds $attrs
  ### Add desired properties to the DataSource.
  puts "Modify the datasource object -- name, jndiName, properties."
  set dbname_attr   [list [list name databaseName] [list value $dbname] [list type java.lang.String] [list description "This is a required property"]]
  set desc_attr     [list [list name description]  [list value ""] [list type java.lang.String]] 
  set password_attr [list [list name password] [list value ""] [list type java.lang.String]]
  set connattr_attr [list [list name connectionAttribute] [list value 0] [list type java.lang.String]]
  set loginTO_attr  [list [list name loginTimeout] [list value 0] [list type java.lang.Integer]]
  set newprops      [list $dbname_attr $desc_attr $password_attr $connattr_attr $loginTO_attr]
  set resprops      [list resourceProperties $newprops]
  set ps_attr       [list propertySet [list $resprops]]
  set attrs [list $ps_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $ds $attrs
  ### Modify the DataSource to give it a relational resource adapter.
  ### We use the built-in rra on the node. 
  puts "Modify the datasource object -- relationalResourceAdapter" 
  set rra      [$AdminConfig getid "/Node:$nodeName/J2CResourceAdapter:WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter/"]
  set rra_attr [list relationalResourceAdapter $rra]
  set attrs    [list $rra_attr]
  $AdminConfig modify $ds $attrs
  ### Create a CMPConnectorFactory, using the datasource from earlier 
  puts "Create a new CMPConnectorFactory object named $cfname" 
  set name_attr     [list name $cfname]
  set authmech_attr [list authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD]
  set cmpds_attr    [list cmpDatasource $ds]
  set p_trans_res   [list [list name TransactionResourceRegistration] [list type java.lang.String] [list value dynamic] [list description "Type of transaction resource registration (enlistment). Valid values are either static (immediate) or dynamic (deferred)."]] 
  set newprops      [list $p_trans_res]
  set resprops      [list resourceProperties $newprops]
  set ps_attr       [list propertySet [list $resprops]]
  set map_auth_attr [list authDataAlias $CONT_ALIAS] 
  set map_configalias_attr [list mappingConfigAlias $DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL_MAPPING] 
  set map_attrs     [list $map_auth_attr $map_configalias_attr]
  set mapping_attr  [list mapping $map_attrs]
  set attrs         [list $name_attr $authmech_attr $cmpds_attr $ps_attr $mapping_attr]
  set newcf [$AdminConfig create CMPConnectorFactory $rra  $attrs]

  ### Save all the changes 
  puts "Saving the configuration"
  $AdminConfig save


### Main
if { !($argc == 7) } 
   puts "This script requires 6 parameters: " 
   puts "       1) the name of the node under which to create resources,"
   puts "       2) the name of a JDBCProvider template to use,"
   puts "       3) the fully-qualified path to the DB driver,"
   puts "       4) the name of the JDBCProvider to create,"
   puts "       5) the name of the datasource to create,"
   puts "       6) the name of the CMPConnectionFactory to create,"
   puts "       7) and the name of the database to use."
   puts ""
   puts "e.g.:     ex9 nodename \"DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)\" $SQLLIB/java/db2java.jar datasource connectionfactory DBName"
} else { 
   set nodeName      [lindex $argv 0]  
   set templateName  [lindex $argv 1]  
   set driverPath    [lindex $argv 2]  
   set jdbcname      [lindex $argv 3]  
   set dsname        [lindex $argv 4]  
   set cfname        [lindex $argv 5]  
   set dbname        [lindex $argv 6]  
   ex9 $nodeName $templateName $driverPath $jdbcname $dsname $cfname $dbname