### ### displayconfig.jacl ### ### ### ### Produce a short summary of some configuration ### and runtime information about the WebSphere installation. ### ### This is a bi-modal script: it can be included in the wsadmin ### command invocation like this: ### ### wsadmin.sh -username username -password password -f displayconfig.jacl all ### ### or the script can be sourced from the wsadmin command line: ### ### wsadmin> source displayconfig.jacl ### wsadmin> displayconfig.jacl all ### ### The script expects one parameter: ### arg1 - a flag -- either "all" or "config" ### ### This example demonstrates many wsadmin features: ### ### - Locate running MBeans ### - getAttributes from running MBeans ### - Invoke operations on running MBeans ### - Locate configuration objects ### - Display attributes of configuration objects ### - Look up a running object. ### - Look up a config object. ### ### proc displayconfig {flag} { if {$flag == "config"} { set configonly 1 } else { if {$flag == "all"} { set configonly 0 } else { puts "Single argument must be \"all\" or \"config\"" return } } ### ### set up globals ### global AdminControl global AdminConfig global AdminApp puts "Installation summary: " puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" ### ### Get the cells/nodes/servers ### puts "Configured cells, nodes, and servers: " puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" set cells [$AdminConfig list Cell] puts "Number of cells: [llength $cells]" foreach cell $cells { ### ### Get some attributes from the config for this cell -- ### the name and the security enabled flag. ### set cname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cell name] set sec [$AdminConfig list Security $cell] set enabled [$AdminConfig showAttribute $sec enabled] puts "$cname -- security enabled: $enabled" ### ### Get a list of the nodes in this cell, and the name of each ### set nodes [$AdminConfig list Node $cell] puts " Number of nodes in $cname: [llength $nodes]" foreach node $nodes { set nname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $node name] puts " $nname" ### ### Get a list of the servers on this node. Use getObjectName ### to see if there is a running server for this config object. ### set servs [$AdminConfig list Server $node] puts " Number of servers in $nname: [llength $servs]" foreach server $servs { puts "" set sname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $server name] set runserv [$AdminConfig getObjectName $server] if {[llength $runserv] > 0} { set state [$AdminControl getAttribute $runserv state] puts " Server $sname is running; state is $state" } else { puts " Server $sname is not running" } ### ### Get a list of the http transports on the server, and display ### host and port information for them. ### set https [$AdminConfig list HTTPTransport $server] puts " $sname has [llength $https] HTTPTransports" foreach http $https { set add [$AdminConfig showAttribute $http address] set host [$AdminConfig showAttribute $add host] set port [$AdminConfig showAttribute $add port] puts " port: $port on host \"$host\"" } } puts "" } ### ### Get a list of the ServerClusters and display it. ### puts "" set clusters [$AdminConfig list ServerCluster $cell] puts " Number of ServerClusters in $cname: [llength $clusters]" foreach cluster $clusters { set clname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cluster name] set memberlist [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cluster members] set members [lindex $memberlist 0] puts " Cluster $clname has [llength $members] members" foreach member $members { set mname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $member memberName] set weight [$AdminConfig showAttribute $member weight] puts " Member $mname has weight $weight" } } } ### ### Get the apps ### puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" set apps [$AdminApp list] puts "Number of applications: [llength $apps]" puts "" puts $apps if {$configonly} { return } ### ### What servers are running on each node, and what apps do they have? ### puts "" puts "Running servers: " puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" foreach cell $cells { set cname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $cell name] set nodes [$AdminConfig list Node $cell] foreach node $nodes { set nname [$AdminConfig showAttribute $node name] set servs [$AdminControl queryNames type=Server,cell=$cname,node=$nname,*] puts "Number of running servers on node $nname: [llength $servs]" foreach server $servs { ### ### Get some attributes from the server to display; also invoke ### an operation on the server JVM to display a property. ### set sname [$AdminControl getAttribute $server name] set ptype [$AdminControl getAttribute $server processType] set pid [$AdminControl getAttribute $server pid] set state [$AdminControl getAttribute $server state] set jvm [$AdminControl queryNames type=JVM,cell=$cname,node=$nname,process=$sname,*] set osname [$AdminControl invoke $jvm getProperty os.name] puts " $sname ($ptype) has pid $pid; state: $state; on $osname" ### ### Use getConfigId to see if there is config data for this ### server. ### set configserv [$AdminControl getConfigId $server] if {[llength $configserv] > 0} { puts " $sname is configured." } else { puts " $sname is not configured; configuration must have changed after the server was started." } ### ### Find the applications running on this server. ### set apps [$AdminControl queryNames type=Application,cell=$cname,node=$nname,process=$sname,*] puts " Number of applications running on $sname: [llength $apps]" foreach app $apps { set aname [$AdminControl getAttribute $app name] puts " $aname" } puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" ### ### Display the serverVinformation. ### set svreport [$AdminControl getAttribute $server serverVersion] puts " Server version report for this server follows:" puts $svreport puts "----------------------------------------------------" puts "" } } } } ### ### Main ### if { !($argc == 1) } { puts "displayconfig: this script requires 1 parameter: a flag that should be \"all\" or \"config\"" puts "" puts "e.g.: displayconfig all" } else { set flag [lindex $argv 0] displayconfig $flag }