### ### appinstall.jacl ### ### Demonstrate the invocation of various ### application install commands. ### ### This is a bi-modal script: it can be included in the wsadmin ### command invocation like this: ### ### wsadmin -f appinstall.jacl nodename ### ### or the script can be sourced from the wsadmin command line: ### ### wsadmin> source appinstall.jacl ### wsadmin> appinstall.jacl nodename ### ### ### The script expects one parameter: ### ### arg1 - node name ### ### proc appinstall {location nodeName} { ### ### Set up globals ### global AdminApp global AdminControl global AdminConfig global Help ### ### Do some sanity checking ### - Do we have a node by this name? ### set cellname [$AdminControl getCell] set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/] puts "appinstall: checking for existence of node $nodeName" if {[llength $node] == 0} { puts "appinstall: Error -- node not found for name $nodeName" return } ### ### First, list the existing applications ### set apps [$AdminApp list] puts "Installed applications: " puts $apps ### ### Here is the ear file we'll be dealing with... ### set earfile $location/Application.ear ### ### A very simple install command ### set nameopt [list -appname appname] append opts " " $nameopt lappend opts -node $nodeName puts " " puts "Installing $earfile using $opts" $AdminApp install $earfile $opts ### ### Demonstrate the default bindings capabilities ### This example could include -usedefaultbindings by itself, but ### we provide some additional options ### puts " " puts "Using the defaultbindings options..." set nameopt [list -appname appname] unset opts append opts " " $nameopt set bindopt [list -usedefaultbindings -defaultbinding.datasource.jndi ds1 -defaultbinding.datasource.username user1 -defaultbinding.datasource.password pw1 -defaultbinding.cf.jndi ds1 -defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix ds2 -defaultbinding.virtual.host myvh] append opts " " $bindopt lappend opts -node $nodeName $AdminApp install $earfile $opts ### ### Demonstrate installation on a different server. We will specify ### server2, but override that setting for one module so that it will ### be deployed on server1. ### ### puts "----------------------------------------------------------" puts "Use a different server..." $AdminConfig create Server $node {{name server2}} unset opts set nameopt [list -appname app3] append opts " " $nameopt set serveropt [list -server server2] append opts " " $serveropt set serv WebSphere:cell=$cellname,node=$nodeName,server=server1 set mapping [list "Increment Enterprise Java Bean" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml $serv] set mapserveropt [list -MapModulesToServers [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapserveropt lappend opts -node $nodeName $AdminApp install $earfile $opts ### ### Demonstrate installation with a number of different settings. ### Although this can get complex, note that we can always perform ### an interactive install, then examine the wsadmin.traceout file, looking ### for WASX7278I -- this message should include install options generated ### from the interactive install that can be cut and pasted into scripts. ### ### puts "----------------------------------------------------------" puts "Specify several options." unset opts set nameopt [list -appname app4] append opts " " $nameopt set mapping [list "Increment Enterprise Java Bean" Increment Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml Increment] set mapjndibindopt [list -BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapjndibindopt set mapping [list "Default Web Application" "" DefaultWebApplication.war,WEB-INF/web.xml Increment com.ibm.defaultapplication.Increment Increment] set mapejbrefopt [list -MapEJBRefToEJB [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapejbrefopt set mapping [list "Increment Enterprise Java Bean" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml DefaultDatasource cmpBinding.perConnectionFactory] set mapdsejbopt [list -DataSourceFor20EJBModules [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapdsejbopt set mapping [list "Increment Enterprise Java Bean" Increment Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml DefaultDatasource cmpBinding.perConnectionFactory] set mapdscmpopt [list -DataSourceFor20CMPBeans [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapdscmpopt set mapping [list "Default Web Application" DefaultWebApplication.war,WEB-INF/web.xml default_host] set mapVHopt [list -MapWebModToVH [list $mapping]] append opts " " $mapVHopt set serv WebSphere:cell=$cellname,node=$nodeName,server=server1 set mapping1 [list "Increment Enterprise Java Bean" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml $serv] set mapping2 [list "Default Web Application" DefaultWebApplication.war,WEB-INF/web.xml $serv] set mapserveropt [list -MapModulesToServers [list $mapping1 $mapping2]] append opts " " $mapserveropt set miscopts [list -nopreCompileJSPs -distributeApp -nouseMetaDataFromBinary -nodeployejb] append opts " " $miscopts lappend opts -node $nodeName $AdminApp install $earfile $opts ### ### Demonstrate ejb deploy options. ### ### puts "----------------------------------------------------------" puts "Specify ejb deploy options." unset opts set nameopt [list -appname app5] append opts " " $nameopt set depopt [list -deployejb -deployejb.dbtype DB2UDB_V72] append opts " " $depopt lappend opts -node $nodeName $AdminApp install $earfile $opts } ### ###Main ### if { !($argc == 2) } { puts "appinstall: this script requires 2 parameters: location of Application.ear," puts " node name." puts "" puts "e.g.: appinstall c:/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps mynode" } else { set location [lindex $argv 0] set nodeName [lindex $argv 1] appinstall $location $nodeName }