Use this panel to specify options for the installation of an application onto a WAS deployment target. Default values for the options are used if you do not specify a value. After application installation, we can specify values for many of these options from an enterprise application settings page.
To view this administrative console panel, click Applications > Install New Application and then specify values as needed for your application on the Preparing for application installation pages.
The Select installation options panel is the same for the application installation and update wizards.
- Pre-compile JSP
Specify whether to precompile JSP files as a part of installation. The default is not to precompile JSP files.
For this option, install only onto a 6.0.x deployment target.
If you select Pre-compile JSP and try installing your application onto an earlier deployment target such as version 5.x, the installation is rejected. We can deploy applications to only those targets that have same WebSphere version as the product. If applications are targeted to servers that have an earlier version than the product, then we cannot deploy to those targets.
Data type Boolean Default false - Directory to install application
Directory to which the enterprise application (EAR) file will be installed.
The default value is the value of APP_INSTALL_ROOT/cell, where the APP_INSTALL_ROOT variable is install_root/installedApps; for example, C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\installedApps\cell. Important: If an installation directory is not specified when an application is installed on a single-server configuration, the application is installed in APP_INSTALL_ROOT/cell. When the server is made a part of a multiple-server configuration (using the addNode utility), the cell name of the new configuration becomes the cell name of the deployment manager node. If the -includeapps option is used for the addNode utility, then the applications that are installed prior to the addNode operation still use the installation directory APP_INSTALL_ROOT/cell. However, an application that is installed after the server is added to the network configuration uses the default installation directory APP_INSTALL_ROOT/network_cell. To move the application to the APP_INSTALL_ROOT/network_cell location upon running the addNode operation, explicitly specify the installation directory as ${APP_INSTALL_ROOT}/${CELL) during installation. In such a case, the application files can always be found under APP_INSTALL_ROOT/current_cell.
We can specify an absolute path or use a pathmap variable such as ${MY_APPS}. Use a pathmap variable in any installation.
A pathmap variable is particularly needed when installing an application on a cluster with members on heterogeneous nodes because, in such cases, there might not be a single way to specify an absolute path. A WAS variable ${CELL} that denotes the current cell name can also be in the pathmap variable; for example, ${MY_APP}/${CELL}. We can define WAS variables on the WebSphere Variables console page, accessed by clicking Environment > WebSphere Variables.
This Directory to install application field is the same as the Application binaries setting on an Enterprise Application settings page.
Data type String Units Full path name - Distribute application
Specifies whether the product expands application binaries in the installation location during installation and deletes application binaries during uninstallation. The default is to enable application distribution. Application binaries for installed applications are expanded to the directory specified.
On single-server products, the binaries are deleted when you uninstall and save changes to the configuration.
On multiple-server products, the binaries are deleted when you uninstall and save changes to the configuration and synchronize changes.
If you disable this option, then ensure that the application binaries are expanded appropriately in the destination directories of all nodes where the application runs. Important: If you disable this option and you do not copy and expand the application binaries to the nodes, a later saving of the configuration or manual synchronization does not move the application binaries to the nodes for you.
This Distribute application field is the same as the Enable distribution setting on an Enterprise Application settings page.
Data type Boolean Default true - Use binary configuration
Specifies whether the application server uses the binding, extensions, and deployment descriptors located with the application deployment document, the deployment.xml file (default), or those located in the enterprise application resource (EAR) file. Select this setting for applications installed on 6.x deployment targets only. This setting is not valid for applications installed on 5.x deployment targets.
This Use binary configuration field is the same as the Use metadata from binaries setting on an Enterprise Application settings page.
Data type Boolean Default false - Deploy enterprise beans
Specifies whether the EJBDeploy tool runs during application installation.
The tool generates code needed to run enterprise bean (EJB) files. You must enable this setting in the following situations:
- The EAR file was assembled using an assembly tool such as Rational Application Developer, Rational Web Developer or Application Server Toolkit and the EJBDeploy tool was not run during assembly.
- The EAR file was not assembled using an assembly tool such as Rational Application Developer, Rational Web Developer or Application Server Toolkit.
- The EAR file was assembled using versions of the Application Assembly Tool (AAT) previous to V5.
For this option, install only onto a 6.0.x deployment target.
If you select Deploy enterprise beans and try installing your application onto an earlier deployment target such as version 5.x, the installation is rejected. We can deploy applications to only those targets that have same WebSphere version as the product. If applications are targeted to servers that have an earlier version than the product, then we cannot deploy to those targets.
Also, if you select Deploy enterprise beans and specify a database type on the Provide options to perform the EJB Deploy panel, previously defined backend IDs for all of the EJB modules are overwritten by the chosen database type. To enable backend IDs for individual EJB modules, set the database type to "" (null) on the Provide options to perform the EJB Deploy panel.
The default database type is DB2UDB_V81.
Enabling this setting might cause the installation program to run for several minutes.
Data type Boolean Default true - Application name
Specifies a logical name for the application. An application name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an unallowed character.
An application name cannot begin with a period (.), cannot contain leading or trailing spaces, and cannot contain any of the following characters:
Unallowed characters â„ forward slash $dollar sign ' single quote mark \ backslash =equal sign " double quote mark * asterisk % percent sign |vertical bar , comma +plus sign < left angle bracket : colon @ at sign > right angle bracket ; semi-colon #hash mark & ampersand (and sign) ? question mark ]]> No specific name exists for this character combination This Application name field is the same as the Name setting on an Enterprise application settings page.
Data type String - Create MBeans for resources
Specifies whether to create MBeans for resources such as servlets or JSP files within an application when the application starts. The default is to create MBeans.
Data type Boolean Default true - Enable class reloading
Specifies whether to enable class reloading when application files are updated.
The default is not to enable class reloading.
Data type Boolean Default false - Reload interval in seconds
Number of seconds to scan the application's file system for updated files. The default is the value of the reloading interval attribute in the IBM extension (META-INF/ibm-application-ext.xmi) file of the EAR file.
The reloading interval attribute takes effect only if class reloading is enabled.
To enable reloading, specify a value greater than zero (for example, 1 to 2147483647). To disable reloading, specify zero (0). The range is from 0 to 2147483647.
This Reload interval in seconds field is the same as the Reloading interval setting on an Enterprise Application settings page.
Data type Integer Units Seconds Default 3 - Deploy Web services
Specifies whether the Web services deploy tool wsdeploy runs during application installation.
The tool generates code needed to run applications using Web services. The default is not to run the wsdeploy tool. You must enable this setting if the EAR file contains modules using Web services and has not previously had the wsdeploy tool run on it, either from the Deploy menu choice of an assembly tool or from a command line.
For this option, install only onto a 6.0.x deployment target.
If you select Deploy Web services and try installing your application onto an earlier deployment target such as version 5.x, the installation is rejected. We can deploy applications to only those targets that have same WebSphere version as the product. If applications are targeted to servers that have an earlier version than the product, then we cannot deploy to those targets.
Data type Boolean Default false - Validate input off/warn/fail
Specifies whether WAS examines the application references specified during application installation or updating and, if validation is enabled, warns you of incorrect references or fails the operation.
An application typically refers to resources using data sources for container managed persistence (CMP) beans or using resource references or resource environment references defined in deployment descriptors. The validation checks whether the resource referred to by the application is defined in the scope of the deployment target of that application.
Select off for no resource validation, warn for warning messages about incorrect resource references, or fail to stop operations that fail as a result of incorrect resource references.
This Validate input off/warn/fail field is the same as the Validation setting on an Enterprise Application settings page.
Data type String Default warn - Process embedded configuration
Specifies whether the embedded configuration should be processed. An embedded configuration consists of files such as resource.xml and variables.xml. When selected or true, the embedded configuration is loaded to the application scope from the .ear file. If the .ear file does not contain an embedded configuration, the default is false. If the .ear file contains an embedded configuration, the default is true.
Data type Boolean Default false
Related concepts
Enterprise (J2EE) applications Installable J2EE module versions Assembly tools Related tasks
Installing application files with the console Related reference
href="urun_rapp_instw.html">Preparing for application installation settings href="urun_rapp_inst.html">Enterprise application settings Object names: What the name string cannot contain wsdeploy command