
This topic describes the response file for silently installing the WAS Network Deployment product.

Install the product with an options response file after logging on as root on a Linux or UNIX platform, or a user that belongs to the administrator group on a Windows platform. Some steps of the installation procedure on a Windows platform require the user to belong to the administrator group and to have the advanced user rights Act as part of the operating system and Log on as a service.

Location of the response file

The sample options response file is named responsefile.nd.txt. The file is in the WAS directory on the product disc or in the downloaded installation image.

Mode of use

The installation wizard can read an existing options response file and run silently without displaying the graphical user interface.

Installing silently

The options file lets the Installation wizard run in silent mode. The wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. Use the following command to use a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt for a silent installation

install -options "myresponsefile.txt" -silent

Creating an operational environment

V6 installation of the Network Deployment product is a two-step process:

  1. Installing the core product files and feature files.

  2. Creating a profile for the deployment manager, a managed node, or a stand-alone application server.

The sample options response file, responsefile.nd.txt, controls the first part of the installation and can also start the second part of the installation. To create a profile after installing the core product files, use the option in the responsefile.nd.txt file that identifies the response file for creating a profile. The profile response file lets you use the Profile creation wizard silently.

To edit and use the appropriate response file for creating a profile, perform the following procedure:

  1. Copy the appropriate file from the WAS directory on the product disc to a place that one can easily identify on your machine. The example files are:

    To create one: Copy the following response file:
    Deployment manager profile responsefile.pct.NDdmgrProfile.txt
    Application server profile responsefile.pct.NDstandAloneProfile.txt
    Custom profile responsefile.pct.NDmanagedProfile.txt

  2. Edit the file to customize the values for your installation.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Edit the responsefile.nd.txt file to identify the location and name of the profile response file. The installation path must be 80 characters or less. Change the value of the -W pctresponsefilelocationqueryactionInstallWizardBean.fileLocation option to identify the file. For example:

    -W pctresponse...fileLocation=

    -W pctresponse...fileLocation=

  5. Start the installation. For example:

    install -options /tmp/WAS/myresponsefile.txt -silent

    install -options "C:\temp\WAS\myresponsefile.txt" -silent

  6. After the installation, examine the logs for success.


The Installation wizard and the Profile creation wizard record installation events in the following log files. Log files for WebSphere Application Server products: The following table shows the installation logs, content, and indicators of success and failure for WAS products for V6.

Table 1. Installation and profile creation logs for WAS products
Log Content Indicators
install_root/logs/log.txt Logs all installation events


Total installation failure.


Successful installation.


Installation errors occurred but the installation is still usable. Additional information identifies the errors.



Total profile creation failure.


Successful profile creation.


Profile creation errors occurred but the profile is still functional. Additional information identifies the errors.



Total profile deletion failure.


Successful profile deletion.


Profile deletion errors occurred but the profile is still deleted. Additional information identifies the errors.

install_root/profiles/profile/logs/pctLog.txt Logs all profile creation events that occur when using the Profile creation wizard


Total profile creation failure.


Successful profile creation.


Profile creation errors occurred but the profile is still functional. Additional information identifies the errors.

See Troubleshooting installation for more information.

Usage notes

  • The file is not a read-only file.

  • Edit this file directly with your flat file editor of choice, such as WordPad on a Windows platform.

  • The file is updated when you specify the -options parameter when using the Installation wizard.

  • The file must exist to perform a silent installation. The installation program reads this file to determine installation option values when you install silently.

  • Save the file in a location that one can identify when you specify the fully qualified path as part of the installation command.

  • The file must identify the appropriate response file for creating a profile if you want to have an operational application server environment when you finish installing.

Example responsefile.nd.txt file

Edit the version of the file that ships with the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product. The following example is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the file that ships with the product

# InstallShield Options File
# Wizard name: Install
# Wizard source: setup.jar
# This file can be used to configure Install with the options specified below
# when the wizard is run with the "-options" command line option. Read each
# setting's documentation for information on how to change its value.
# A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
# the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
# wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
# execution, use the following command line arguments when running the wizard:
#    -options "D:\installImage\WAS\responsefile.nd.txt" -silent

# License Acceptance
# Valid Options  : true   Accepts the license. Will install the product.
#      false  Declines the license. Install will not occur.  
# If no install occurs, this will be logged to a temporary log file in the user's 
# temporary directory.
# By changing the silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value in this response file to "true", 
# you agree that you 
# have reviewed and agree to the terms of the IBM International Program License Agreement 
# accompanying this 
# program, which is located at CD_ROOT\WAS\lafiles.  If you do not agree to these terms, 
# do not change 
# the value or otherwise download, install, copy, access, or use the program and promptly 
# return the 
# program and proof of entitlement to the party from whom you acquired it to obtain a 
# refund of the amount you paid.

-W silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value="false"

# Incremental Install
# If you are installing additional features on top of an existing installation,
# (e.g. incremental install), uncomment the following line.  This will notify
# the installer that you are doing an incremental install.
# -W NDdetectedexistingcopypanelInstallWizardBean.choice="addFeatures"
# Please make sure installLocation is set to your existing install location.
# For already installed features, we need to set the feature active property
# to false.  For new features you want to install, we need to set the active
# properties to true.
# For example, you have installed core product feature, now you want to install
# samples feature, the active properties should be:
# -P"true"
# -P"false"

# IBM WAS Network Deployment, V6.0 Install
# Location
# The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the
# product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in
# double-quotes as shown in the Windows example below. Note that  spaces in the
# install location is only supported on Windows operating systems.
# Below is the list of default install locations for each supported operating
# system.  By default, in this response file, the Windows install location is 
# used.  If you want to use the default install location for another operating
# system, uncomment the appropriate default install location entry (by removing '#') and 
# then comment out (by adding '#') the Windows operating system entry below.
# AIX Default Install Location:
#    -P wasProductBean.installLocation=/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer  
# HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Install Location:
#    -P wasProductBean.installLocation=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer  
# Windows Default Install Location:

-P wasProductBean.installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"

# "Core Product Files" feature
# This feature is required by Application Server and will be installed by default. 
# Selection is not required.

# "Application Server samples" feature
# The selection state of the "Application Server samples" feature. Legal values
# are:
#    true  - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
#    false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
# For example, to select "Application Server samples" for installation, use
#    -P"true"


# "Javadocs" feature
# The selection state of the "Javadocs" feature. Legal values are:
#    true  - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
#    false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
# For example, to select "Javadocs" for installation, use
#    -P"true"


# WAS Profile Creation Tool 
# To launch the Profile Creation Tool SILENTLY at the end
# of the installation, please change the value to "true".
# Otherwise, change the value to "".

-W ndsummarypanelInstallWizardBean.launchPCT="true"

# If you choose to run Profile Creation Tool silently at the end of the
# installation, 
# 1. get a copy of the PCT response file of Profile creator (from CD) and put to a temp dir
#    such as: /tmp/WAS/responsefile.pct.NDdmgrProfile.txt        For DMGR profile creation
#             /tmp/WAS/responsefile.pct.NDmanagedProfile.txt     For Manage profile creation
#             /tmp/WAS/responsefile.pct.NDstandAloneProfile.txt  For Stand alone profile creation
# 2. modify the response file by filling in the required options/values. 

Note: If the values are not completed properly, the configuration may be unsuccessful. # 3. specify below the absolute path to your modified response file. # # For example, -W pctresponsefilelocationqueryactionInstallWizardBean.fileLocation= # "/tmp/WAS/responsefile.pct.NDdmgrProfile.txt" -W pctresponsefilelocationqueryactionInstallWizardBean.fileLocation=""


Related Tasks

Installing silently