ivt command

The ivt command starts the installation verification test (IVT) program. The IVT verifies that the installation of the application server or deployment manager profile was successful. A profile consists of files that define the run-time environment for a deployment manager or an application server. Each profile has its own IVT command.

The IVT program starts the application server or deployment manager automatically if the server process is not already running. After the server process initializes, the IVT runs a series of verification tests and displays pass or fail status in a console window.

The IVT program scans the SystemOut.log file for errors and verifies core functionality of the profile.

We can start the IVT program from the command line or from the First steps console.


Location of the command file

The location of the ivt.sh or ivt.bat script

for any profile is:

  • install_root/profiles/profile/bin/ivt.sh

  • install_root\profiles\profile\bin\ivt.bat



The following parameters are associated with this command.


Required parameter that identifies the name of the server process, such as server1 or dmgr.


Required parameter that identifies the name of the profile that contains the server definition.

-p server_port_number

Optional parameter that identifies the default_host port when the port is not 9080, which is the default.

-host machine_host_name

Optional parameter that identifies the host machine of the profile to test. The default is localhost.


Syntax for the ivt command

Use the following syntax

for the command:

  • install_root/profiles/profile/bin/ivt.sh

  • install_root\profiles\profile\bin\ivt.bat



The ivt command logs results to the install_root/profiles/profile name/logs/ivtClient.log file.



The following examples test the server1 process in the profile01 profile on the myhost machine using the default_host on port 9081.

ivt.bat server1 profile01 -p 9081 -host myhost

ivt.sh server1 profile01 -p 9081 -host myhost