buildClientLibJars tool

The buildClientLibJars tool copies the JAR files from the Application Client for WAS installation and creates a properties.jar file, which contains the properties files from the Application Clients installation properties directory to a specified location. When this property is created, the tool uses the value of keystore, storepass and alias to sign all the JAR files in the specified location

Windows Usage: buildClientLibJars.bat  target_dir keystore  storepass  alias  
Unix Usage:  target_dir keystore  storepass  alias  
     target_dir       Specifies the target directory where the Application 
                           Clients library JAR files copied to.
    keystore         Specifies a keystore file.
    storepass       Specifies the keystore password.
    alias                Specifies an alias for the key object in the key file.


Related Tasks

Preparing Application Clients run-time library component for Java Web Start
Preparing the Application Client run-time dependency component for Java Web Start